
  1. pop22

    Indoor Pop22's Shout Out!

    Anyone here who reads my stuff, knows I'm always up to something new, digging for dirt... ( pun intended lol ), and just plain finding excuses to keep busy. But sharing what I do is difficult because I'm like a pinball machine, bouncing around from subject to subject. I'm the poster boy for...
  2. TheOutlawBubbaKush

    New Grower Beginner grow confused by so many nutrients

    For a beginner, the sheer number of nutrients out there can be really confusing. They all sound like something I'll need at some point, especially with names like mammoth, overdrive, bud candy, bud hardener, jumpstart, bloom booster, rock resonator, terpinator, diamond nectar, etc.....!!!! I...
  3. PoppyLon56

    New Grower Sick Plants Need help ASAP Please

    Could you look at my link below and tell me if its Nitrogen problem.
  4. PoppyLon56

    Live Stoners Hey Y'all. Poppylon56 and I'm a newbe

    Hello everyone I hope your day is going the way you want it. I am Retired from the US Army 22yrs. Sgt Maj. I served with the 101st airborne in vietnam 1972 - 1974. on my return I spent 8 yrs with the 101st. I served with the 82nd airborne for 10yrs and was was on many missions with the 82nd, and...
  5. G


    Hi guys & laddies i am doing my 1st led grow i had a great light led before but the time of year was way cold and i think i panicked and jumped back to hps i sold that light far to cheap and regret ever since but the time i have and the money i have and had i have been doing autos a few year...
  6. C

    Super Soil, TLO, Water Only, Questions About Ratios

    I've read that autoflowers require roughly 1/4 - 1/2 the amount of nutrients versus photoperiods, what does this mean in regards to potting my super soil for my plants? I know with hydro, that would mean use half as much calmag or bloom whatever jibber jabber bottle ect. Some reason my head is...
  7. N

    Live Stoners Outdoor autoflowers newbie

    Hey new to the site and growing was planning on growing some 6 shooters (crystal meth/Columbia air lines) autoflowers outside, will probably germinate in early June. I will be getting 14-15 hours of sunlight for my season, beginning in June and in August the sun light will obviously become...
  8. Dr. Babnik

    Indoor Doc Grows Zamnesia Diesel and Cotton Bud for CannaZone

    Doc Grows Zamnesia Diesel and Cotton Bud for CannaZone Hello and welcome to this show case! This is my first product test, commissioned by CannaZone. Here I will document the grow of Diesel Cotton Bud...
  9. SpaceGod

    New Grower I Need Nutrient Help/1st Grow Advice/LED Advice

    SETUP : 20 Autoflowers(pineapple express, cherry bomb, girl scount cookies, blackberry kush, purple kush, all fem) in a 9ft length/6ft width/7ft heigth. With 4 300w Mars Hydro Full Spectrum using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and water all at 6.5ph in 5gallon smart pots with proper ventilation, 60%...
  10. A

    New Grower First Time Grower - Blue Kush Autoflower

    Hey, I started my first autoflower around December 10th 2016. I'm growing outdoor in a normal pot in my garden. I live in Egypt (high 70 F & low 50 for winter months). Watering: I add filtered water when soil dries up (approx. once a week) Nutrients: I have not used nutrients yet. I need your...
  11. garnier

    Grow Mediums Dehumidifier

    Hi All, I'm only wandering is it possible to re use water from dehumidifier for mix nutrients? It's about 10ppm so can't be bad. Found online that it's not recommended for watering fruits as there might be traces of heavy metals like copper and possibly some micro germs... What do you...
  12. E

    New Grower Which nutrient starter pack?

    Which nutrient starter pack? Dear AFN bud-dies! :bighug: A while ago I did an info thread for a range of <Nutrients / Fertilizer Starter Packs / Kits Info and Links (2016-09-24)>, partly to work through all things myself and partly to save other AFN people the trouble of searching it all...
  13. Frogster

    Old Reviews Ferro Nutrient Range Review (mainly for UK & EU)

    The object of this thread is to give a true unbiased review, inform people of a range of Nutrients & additives that probably do not appear on their radar... I have been testing them on my last few grows. A little bit about Ferro.... Ferro is a supplier of custom made plant fertilizers. They...
  14. Newgreenman1611

    New Grower Growers ark nutrients ??? Advice /review/help

    Hi guys anyone used growers ark nutes (coco) . Looking for some help can't find much about them think they might have went under or something. Iv got growers ark nutrients there just wanting to know if there any good .would save me some £. Thanks AFN
  15. T.C. Bosby

    Grow Mediums Nutrients and Additives Needed?

    Pardon my ignorance, I'm new to hydro and new to Autos, so if anyone has a moment, I could use a little guidance. Current nutrients I have are a A & B mixture for Grow and Bloom. One additive I have is essentially a bud booster/hardener. The other can be used in hydro or as a foliar spray; it...
  16. Goatboy666

    Old Reviews What's a good feed schedule for autos using FF trio?

    Hey guys, goatboy here and I'm wondering what's a good light feed schedule using the fox farm trio nutrients? I'm new to autos and I want to get the most from my plants. Does anyone use FF nutes? If so, what has worked for you?
  17. P J

    Indoor Airpot,smart pot or normal pot? AN or DP?

    I need your help again guys I have 6*1000 MH that i change to HPS during flower, a very strong air conditioner, ph measuring devices, 2 oscilating fans. I mostly plant AutoUltimate in soil mix (hand made as i cant find any good premix where i live and cant buy 50*20L of premix by mail order for...
  18. Dr. Babnik

    Old Reviews Advanced Nutrients - pH-perfect Grow/Bloom vs Connoisseur series

    Hi all! Looking at AN products. Anyone have something they want to share about the various lines of base nutes? I have enough ferts, but I would like to read your experiences. Also I tend to hoard chemicals... About the Connoisseur line they say "for top-notch growers" and clame up to 43%...
  19. Johnnybudseed

    Grow Mediums Best Nutrient line for Coco.

    Would like to see what most people think is the best Nutrient line at the moment. Your answers will decide my plants fate. Thank you very much guys!
  20. T

    Live Stoners Hello all. Newbie in the UK looking to do his first grow.

    Hi everyone. I have been trawling the interwebz and cannabis forums looking to set up my first grow. I'm certain, for the time being at least, I want to be growing autos (I have my eyes on "Cheese Candy Auto" by delicious seeds. Has anyone had any experience with this seed?) My current plans...