
  1. Mossy

    Bomb Seeds #THC Bomb. Presented by St. Tom. Test

    #thc bomb Showcased by @St. Tom for #bomb seeds @St. Tom Kit List *SmartGro Ultrasonic Humidifier 9.5 Litres 5 inch rhino pro carbon filter RVK 125 L1 systemair in line turbo fan high power 2 secret jardin monkey fans 1x 20 w oscillating 1 x 30 w both with tent pole clips **4x4 Grow Tent 15...
  2. Rebel

    Indoor Rebel Returns to Quantum Badboy T5HOs -- April 2019

    So... After two years of battling with LEDs I'm officially spent and done with them. For more reasons than one. I'll elaborate in a follow up post. But after much consideration, thought, researching my old notes from the past several years I've made a decision to return to my old way of growing...
  3. Mossy

    Indoor Short Stuff 2nd leg 1st May

    Short Stuff Second leg Battle starts 1st May. We'll keep updates in here and tag me @bushmasterar15 when posting your weekly updates. Thank you Sponsored seed team @shumway germ wk2wk3wk4wk5wk6wk7wk8wk9 @Rwg111 germ out @Frogster germ wk2wk3wk4wk5wk6wk7wk8wk9wk10harvest @Need4Weed germ wk2 out...
  4. Mossy

    Bomb Seeds 2nd leg 1st May

    The Sponsored Team for the Bomb Seed second leg is @Equatorial @Rwg111 Both moved to photoperiod grow battle @HighnDry @Dichoti @SOOTDAWG @shumway @hairyman Anyone growing their own #bomb seeds are Welcome to join in...:amazon: Standard Battle Rules. This Battle Team will be part of the...
  5. Mossy

    Auto Seed 2nd leg starts 1st May

    #auto seeds Battle 2nd round starts 1st May Sponsored Team @hairyman @faded187 @Only1Sky @hecno @The Mugwamp @Rwg111 @Hypathetical Gardener @AJrexxx @Tyler_Durden88 This Team will be part of the Big Battle. Anyone with #auto seeds is welcome to join in...just leave your name here. @Dabber...
  6. Mossy

    Outdoor Auto Photo Battle 1 st May 2019

    Perpetual Outdoor Battle Rules. Team Leaders @the green bandit @trailanimal @dankstyle J #keeperoftherules @Ripper There will be two Final Poll dates on Perpetual Battles from 2020. *20th April Final Photo parade in the 4.20 Party *30th Oct Final Photo Parade in the Halloween Party...
  7. Mossy

    Live Stoner Chat The Mile High Club

    List any cross that gets you absolutely stupid high...:pass: We want a list of the crosses that get you absolutely stupid high. If you have one..List it for we can all try it....:pass:
  8. Mossy

    Bear Hill Seed Battle 2019

    We are Happy to announce a Bear Hill Battle Team for 2019 Crosses. Auto Blackdog and Auto Lemon Pledge. Team Leader @Mossy Team @MissUniverse @midIN @Dabber
  9. midIN

    Mephisto Genetics MANGO SMILE

    Was given a great opportunity to test some gear, so here were are. MANGO SMILE, Mango Haze x Toof Decay SETUP 3GAL SMART POT ROOTS ORGANIC EMERALD MOUNTAIN SOIL MEGACROP CRXSUNNY 300W COB 4000K @bushmasterar15 this will be another mephisto battle girl for me
  10. Mossy

    Indoor Synergy Automatic Genetics Team HQ

    I'd like to Welcome the Synergy Automatic Genetics Team to AFN. Feel free to use this thread as Team HQ just add a post so we know who you are...:amazon: Rules of Engagement for Growbattles 2019 . Growbattles will be Open to All Challengers. Sponsored Growbattles..where the Vendor provides...
  11. Mossy

    Healing Path Genetics Team HQ

    We are very Happy to Announce a Healing Path Genetics Test Team for 2019...:amazon: Their Testers will be tagged in shortly....... Team Leader @hecno
  12. Mossy

    Dinafem Dinafem Grower of the Year 2019 1. Leg

    Battle open to anyone with #dinafem Autos......and fast flowering #dinafem Photos. Anyone wanting to join in....drop your name here....:amazon: Battle Manager: @TheMongol Team Leader: @TheMongol Auto-Team: @Dabber @Only1Sky @pop22 @faded187Cheese XXL @Quentin3176 @MesaBoogie @Mavadines...
  13. bushmasterar15

    Live Stoner Chat January 2019

    Where's my Jaffa Cake???
  14. Mossy

    Auto Seeds Auto Seed Grower of the Year 2019

    This Battle will be fought in the Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019 thread. All members will be Tagged in when it is Opened. Early Jan Must have germ pic on or before official start date Feb. 1st with your germ process (soak, paper towel, rooter plug, direct planted, etc) with username...
  15. Mossy

    The Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019 First Leg. FINISHED

    The Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019. #bethereifyoudare Many will start...but Ultimately there will be only 1 Winner of the Title AFN Grower of the Year 2019. AFN Teams ready to Start Battles on 1st February include; BOMB Seed Grower of the Year 2019 Battle. 1st leg starts 1st Feb...
  16. Mossy

    Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds Grower of the Year 2019 1st leg

    This Battle will be fought in the Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019 thread. All members will be Tagged in when it is Opened. Early Jan BOMB Seed Grower of the Year 2019 Battle. 1st leg starts 1st Feb 2019 start Team Leader @woody Sponsored Battle Team @Dabber @St. Tom @Need4Weed...
  17. Mossy

    Live Stoner Chat Grow Battles 2019 feedback thread.

    First the Changes. All New Seed vendors joining up in 2019 will be asked to sponsor seed places on the General Grow Battle thread. For every 10 seed places...the Seed Test Team will be given Priority Places on 7 of them and we'll use the other 3 for Team Training or Invite places. There will...
  18. Mossy

    Gnome Automatics ALF#5 Battle 2019

    This Battle will be fought in the Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019 thread. All members will be Tagged in when it is Opened. Early Jan We have 5 places for Test for Full Duplex. Start date 1st Feb 2019. FEM available yet. Restrictions...these are Large Autos. Expected finish...
  19. Mossy

    Indoor Short Stuff Grower of the Year 2019 Battle. First Leg Results.

    Short Stuff will be Sponsoring Two Teams for the first leg Battle starting 1st Feb 2019. Must have germ pic on or before official start date Feb. 1st with your germ process (soak, paper towel, rooter plug, direct planted, etc) with username, date, and the code Round 1 1/9 written on something...
  20. Mossy

    Indoor Zamnesia Grower of the Year starts 1st Feb 2019

    This Battle will be fought in the Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019 thread. All members will be Tagged in when it is Opened. Early Jan Zamnesia are Sponsoring a Battle Team for 1st February 2019. The Sponsored Team are... Battle Manger: Battle Manager Team Leader @St. Tom Gorilla...