
  1. Mañ'O'Green

    Laughing Hyena Seeds 2023 Laughing Hyena Seeds Presents some new strains

    Formerly Beaver Genetics with some outstanding test strains in the past like: Lil'Mob Star, Black Fire and Russian Winter has selected five lucky testers for this limited grow. @Mañ'O'Green @InkAddict$ @Jpkindbud @DCLXVI @5 Star Trich The test strains: Strawbanana Daddy Strawbanana Cream...
  2. Mossy

    Live Stoner Chat Cultivators Club Applications 2022

    This thread is for Anyone who wants to apply for the Cultivators Club. To Qualify you have to have 1 grow on AFN start to finish..and a Completed Review on it. Please provide Links to both. If you have any problems doing this...Reviews are pretty New..please Ask for Help. This will be a...
  3. Zer0

    Cultiuana Grow and Show - Zeromitch Tests and Reviews CT-660 660Watt Light

    Hey everyone! I was picked to Review and test this CT-660 light out by Cultiuana. I will be giving my honest opinion of this light and doing my best to show what it can do in a 4x4 tent. This will be a long on going perpetual journal along with being a review of this product. This is the light...
  4. Marshydro

    MarsHydro New Growers Guide. "BRUSH"Strategy: 5 Tricks About Germination Will Greatly Increase Your Rate

    You may have a long way to go before you get chunky buds, but the start always comes first in the whole cultivation process. According to a small survey, a surprising number of growers were found to be stuck on the first step - germination and seedling - leading to eventual abandonment...
  5. Jpkindbud

    Live Stoner Chat NY GROWERS CLUB

    Alright, Not sure if I’m breaking rules and such but if I am, someone will let me know… So, just recently a few growers from NY have all just joined and are looking to have a place to call their own… Well this would be the place. I’m sure y’all will respect each other’s privacy. No Bashing...
  6. Mañ'O'Green

    Tutorial A word on Nutrients

    The proper use of “salt” based fertilizer to grow Auto Flowering Cannabis. Salts: Natural and man made any chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, with all or part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a metal or other cation. Learning how to use salt based...
  7. St. Tom

    SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion ect

    hi folks i just want to say a massive thanks to sanlight for sponsoring my new show and grow for this year going forward and @Son of Hobbes and @Mossy for having faith in me the first time around on my first gen thread. anyhow as i said sanlight have sent me there new dimmable models for my...
  8. MrOldBoy

    NEWS Legalization is Closer Than We Think, Hopefully

    Per the DEA legalization is curbing trafficking and the DEA uses word us as “when” not “if” legal .... Read more here: DEA Admits State-Level Marijuana Legalization Reduces Illegal Market Demand...
  9. Mossy

    Live Stoner Chat New Live Introduction thread

    Stop in and Introduce yourself..have a chat..enjoy a smoke...and ask any questions you have of the Live Intros Team..:pass:..who are always Happy to Help.

    Live Stoner Chat June 2019

    Have you used it max on any sativas?
  11. Mossy

    Hairyman Presents Mars Hydro sp250

    @hairyman Presents the #marshydro sp250 I will be joining this later :thumbsup: ,,,so get the kettle on and stock up with tea bags :pighug: Won't matter if it ends up a male will it ? #BlackBerryPie SugarBaker x BlackBerrygum named by @Jraven BlackberryPie Reporting for duty Archie ,,,,so...
  12. Mossy

    The Biggest GrowBattle in the World 2019 second leg.

    The Biggest Grow Battle in the World second leg; Sign up and Battle. Please leave your name here. :amazon:
  13. Dr.Bubbles

    Live Stoner Chat Dr. Bubbles & Bushmasterar15's Food Network

    What about doing a late night session on some charcoal? THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
  14. Mossy

    Dinafem Dinafem Grower of the Year 2019 1. Leg

    Battle open to anyone with #dinafem Autos......and fast flowering #dinafem Photos. Anyone wanting to join in....drop your name here....:amazon: Battle Manager: @TheMongol Team Leader: @TheMongol Auto-Team: @Dabber @Only1Sky @pop22 @faded187Cheese XXL @Quentin3176 @MesaBoogie @Mavadines...
  15. Mossy

    Gnome Automatics ALF#5 Battle 2019

    This Battle will be fought in the Biggest Grow Battle in the World 2019 thread. All members will be Tagged in when it is Opened. Early Jan We have 5 places for Test for Full Duplex. Start date 1st Feb 2019. FEM available yet. Restrictions...these are Large Autos. Expected finish...
  16. Mossy

    Grow Battles Taggable Team

    These are the Staff who have Volunteered their time to go Taggable on Grow Battles if you need any Help or have any Questions about Grow Battles. @Ripper #keeperoftherules All grow Battles going through the New Tournament software will have the contest Rules posted in the Battle set up thread...
  17. the green bandit

    Live Stoner Chat Current Live Stoner Gossip October 2018

    I can't get YouTube to load either bushy
  18. Son of Hobbes

    Photography Submit Your Pics for Social Media TODAY!!!

    Good morning AFN! We're excited to announce that @wwwillie will be helping us out with our social media accounts to get some activity and action going again! So that said, we want to jump right into it and get some drool-worthy eye candy going! We thought it best to have a submit-thread like...
  19. Mossy

    LED Grower of the Year 2018 Battle

    #LEDGrowerof2018 This is a 1 round Grower of the Year 2018 Battle. Run time 1st September to Finish/vote 8th December 2018. Entrants must have a LED panel..and any Auto seed. This will be a full 3 leg Battle 2019 :warrior: LED Grow Members 1) St. Tom wk2wk3wk4wk5wk6wk7wk8wk9Harvest 2)...
  20. Mossy

    Seed Stockers Champion of Champions Battle 2018

    Just setting up so Champions can get their names in...rules details added shortly....:headbang: This is a Championship Battle..only open to Winners of the two qualifying legs 2018 and returning Champion Gladiators from 2017. Championship Battle Rules of Engagement 2018. Championship Battle...