
  1. T

    Lighting HPS to LED.. what should I do

    ive grown with hps for years but crazy high electric bills are forcing my hand to led. The shop I get all my nutes etc from always advised me against them but I’ve read a lot of positive and the cost is now the main driver I always grow a selection of autos in a 4x8 ft tent, NFT hydro...
  2. M

    Grow Mediums Dwc autoflower guide

    Hey, first time grower here. I'm looking to grow autoflower seeds in dwc system. If anyone knows of a complete step by step guide it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Saint Skinny

    Grow Mediums Beginner system ideas

    Hey all, So I recently put up an ad offering to build hydro systems. One of the responses I've gotten is someone that's never grown in hydro before (I honestly don't know if this person has ever grown a thing in their life) and are wanting to grow around 12 plants. They said they work first...
  4. puggle6

    Grow Mediums Consolidated Hydro FAQ and Stickys!

    Hi guys! Here you will find some links to helpful posts and frequently asked questions! If you would like to see a thread sticked or included here please @puggle6 or report post to admin and we will see what we can do! Quick links! Growing Mediums - Hydroponic Autoflower Infirmary for Sick...
  5. Madness

    Live Stoners hempy growers

    Hey everyone. Just kind of was wondering if there were any hempy growers here. I've been doing my 2l hempy grow for a little bit now and was wondering if anyone has done a 2l hempy grow or just a hempy grow In general. A lot of people here do autoflowers but I'm actually doing photos. My hempy...
  6. M

    Week 4 500 PPM - Nitrogen Toxicity? Telos008/DPUltimat

    Hey guys, finally joined up to this forum after readings loads of content for about a year now. Doing my first auto (only done 3 12/12 in the past) and I'm having an issue I cant solve a bit about my setup Telos008 LED light DWC hydro 80cmx80cmx180cm Tent Little fan as seen in picture...
  7. Rapha El

    Indoor Taproot pruning Experiment - Baby

    Hey, I've refined my methods a bit and am running a new experiment. This time I aim to get some indications as to the effects of early root pruning. Hypothesis 1: Early on air-pruning of the tapRoot can greatly increase root density and lead to stronger plantGrowth Hypothesis 2: Dwc...
  8. Cardinal

    Mephisto Genetics Ordered My First Mephisto

    Excited about theses beans. Ordered my first (hopefully of many) Mephisto seeds. 3x 3 Bears OG 5x IlluminAutos Gold Glue 3x Mystery Pack (who doesn't like a mystery) Starting after my current grow: Me and the General (wife) are gonna do 2 of the 3 Bears OG to teach her the how to"s. Will be...
  9. Quitexcellent

    New Grower Quitexcellent's DP Auto Ultimate 45liter pot DWC grow one of the BIGGEST AU grows!?

    Hey guys! Im starting my 3rd indoor grow. The first one that will be posted online! I hope to end up atleast with a few nugs to fill the pipe:baked:very excited on this grow:yay: Starting with: -45 l pot with 25 l water in it - 300w and a 150w platinum series led lights shared with 4 other...
  10. Cardinal

    New Grower SS Himalayan Blue Diesel Remo Nute DWC

    Intro: New to forum (AFN) but not new to grows or forums (grasscity). Did a few photos last year, threw out the year. But my second real grow. In the past, I made some critical mistakes (lost a few plants due to poor choices) but had a really good soil grow setup in the end. MK Ultra was...
  11. puggle6

    Grow Mediums f6's ultimate hydro!

    Hey guys, I number of people have asked for an explanation of my system. This has been difficult to explain while growing and refining so here it is! Combining continuous flow 'organic' hydro, ebb & flow and dwc. This is a modern adaption of a very simple system I used for years with a&b...
  12. I

    New Grower First time growing anything, DIY hydro

    Hello I have started a project by myself growing cannabis autoflower, I have never in my life grown anything and didn't even know what Hydroponics even was a few months ago before I started. I have had some issues with heat,transplantation, Several times burning or under feeding the plant...
  13. puggle6

    Indoor f6 does 4 indoor, 1m x 1m, 860w CMH, Hybrid Hydro (:

    Hi all! Have 1 each of Kings Kush, Super Lemon Haze, Malana Bomb and Wild Thai Ryder! I have a 1x1x2m tent, 860w CMH in a Growlite OG reflector, 4 x 7gallon GeoPots with a bubbler and coir matting in the bottom and then filled with Hydrocorn. 80litre tub feeding to a bio filter then flow...
  14. GanjaGuinea

    Indoor My first grow journal!!!

    Hello to All, This is going to be my second auto grow, my first one didn't work out so well but I did learn a lot from my mistakes. Before trying autos I've grown quite a few photos in the past with good results and thought that I could do the same with autos the same way. I was wrong. Now...
  15. Rapha El

    Indoor Moby Dick - the one with the CBD

    Hey, so this is going to be my next grow log. Components: Space: Mars Hydro Tent - 1m² (3.3ft²) Substrate: Terra Exotica - Cocos Ground Pots: NiceGrow 11 Liter (Plastic air pots) Watering: Drain to waste hydro (potVolume * 0.05 /day) Overflow: 1m² flex-tray with spacers (so nothing gets swampy...
  16. T

    New Grower New Grower - What Hydro System to buy???

    Hey guys, I'm building a custom grow tent 4x4, using 6 cree 3590 cob's from BigSm0, and a gorilla grow tent. I need more info on what hydro system I should buy for my grow setup. Any and all input is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  17. T

    New Grower Fast and Vast Ideal Nutes for NFT Hydro (and when shall I switch lights)

    Hi everyone Was keen to get some direction on the ideal nutes for a Fast and Vast grow in NFT. Some info on my setup I have a 100ltr tank, tap water runs at EC .6 (perfect!), ph always between 5.8-6.2, x2 600 HID lights with veg bulbs For all previous grows, none of which are autos, I always...
  18. T

    New Grower Leaves drooping help!

    hi all, I've got a droopy leaf problem which I can't figure out why so praying someone can help! I have an NFT Hydro set up with 10 fast and vast autos, seeds popped about 8 days ago, they rooted in the rockwall 2 days ago and I dropped them in the tray then. Since that point, the leaves have...
  19. N00bGrowR

    Grow Mediums n00bgrowr first grow. Help Appreciated. 12 bucket rwdc multiple strain. Advice welcomed

    First of all Hello everyone, been reading the forums for awhile now but is my first post. This is my first grow and definitely jumped in head first. Setup is a hand me down bubbleponics 12 site rdwc in a 5x9 tent with 2 1000w kind led. Was also given a bag of female auto seeds. Blue...
  20. Daipot

    Grow Mediums Nft system

    Hi guys. I'm gonna keep this short and sweet so here goes. I'm about half way through my second grow and I've been using coco, I love coco and I've had some amazing results in my short life as a weed grower. The major reason for wantin to switch to a true hydro setup is too irradiate the amount...