
  1. MissUniverse

    Auto Seeds Autoseeds random discussion thread (for semi-off topic chat relating to autoseeds products)

    Good black Friday deals I looked on your web page :) I love mara hydro LEDs. They are the only ones I'll ever grow with. I am very happy with the performance. The new cob you guys sell looks good but out of my peice range. If I had the money (I don't but wish I had more than 2 pennies to run...
  2. M

    New Grower Please help

    PLEASE HELP. This is my first grow I put a heater in my tent it has a digital thermostat but for some reason it didn't shut off and when I opened my tent it was 115 degrees Fahrenheit. one plant was completely crispy the others look ok but it look like they have nute burn. Please help the plants...
  3. J


    Hello! I t is my first grow and I am running into some problems They are about 2 months old, just started the flowering stage, the fan leaves has some dark spots, the ones affected has purpleish stems , not sure if it is calcium def or P or K toxicity . i thought was some type of fungus on...
  4. Ekcd

    White Balls

    I’ve noticed some small white balls on my week old seedlings leaves and can’t find anything as to what they might be. They look too perfect for eggs and there’s no obvious sign of life from any bugs?? Any knowledge is greatly appreciated.
  5. K

    New Grower OG Kush autoflower please help

    6330EABF-C281-439E-9D58-3C70EF1727CD by Kush Hunter posted Oct 18, 2018 at 6:43 PM2E0E3047-ED90-4595-92AD-3237622D03DA by Kush Hunter posted Oct 18, 2018 at 6:43 PM7673E51A-0D73-4AEC-933A-0F20D1AB0062 by Kush Hunter posted Oct 18, 2018 at 6:43 PME7891BD5-DF9A-4478-BD46-19132E70677A by Kush...
  6. T

    Lighting HPS to LED.. what should I do

    ive grown with hps for years but crazy high electric bills are forcing my hand to led. The shop I get all my nutes etc from always advised me against them but I’ve read a lot of positive and the cost is now the main driver I always grow a selection of autos in a 4x8 ft tent, NFT hydro...
  7. T

    Lighting HPS to LED.. what should I do

    ive grown with hps for years but crazy high electric bills are forcing my hand to led. The shop I get all my nutes etc from always advised me against them but I’ve read a lot of positive and the cost is now the main driver I always grow a selection of autos in a 4x8 ft tent, NFT hydro...
  8. T

    Lighting HPS to LED.. what should I do

    ive grown with hps for years but crazy high electric bills are forcing my hand to led. The shop I get all my nutes etc from always advised me against them but I’ve read a lot of positive and the cost is now the main driver I always grow a selection of autos in a 4x8 ft tent, NFT hydro...
  9. T

    Lighting HPS to LED.. what should I do

    ive grown with hps for years but crazy high electric bills are forcing my hand to led. The shop I get all my nutes etc from always advised me against them but I’ve read a lot of positive and the cost is now the main driver I always grow a selection of autos in a 4x8 ft tent, NFT hydro...
  10. D


    Hello AFN family, First, I am an amateur grower and have tried several different techniques to growing. I have spent a ridiculous amount of money switching my grow set ups and am not satisfied with my yields. I am obviously doing something wrong but I am unable to figure out what it is. I have...
  11. F

    First time grow, is this how you LST

    Hey guys, she's 23 days old and i started tying her down, am i doing it right? Thanks a lot
  12. Johnsdale075

    Cloning Autoflowers

    i just read this on the website of seedsupreme. after i took a global look at the forum, i found out this is possible. but how many members really tried it? and is it worth the try or is it just that difficult for less experienced people? this was the first time i ever read that the cloning of...
  13. F

    New Grower First ever grow, 7 Polar Express Auto's Outdoors

    OK, so I done my live intro and was greeted by some of you (will link to intro) and made to feel welcome in the AFN Community. So yeah first ever cannabis grow, I have grown many types of veg and herb and flower in my back garden but never cannabis. So for my first grow I've stuck 2 Polar...
  14. T

    Where’s my buds at?!

    Hi guys Have an issue with one of my plants. For some reason it’s not flowering properly, it’s healthy, strong and growing but just keeps shooting this whispy leaves instead of forming flowers I grow NFT, 5 different plants in tray (always do this, all others lovely), ph 5.9, EC 2.0, they are...
  15. D

    My Seedlings haven’t been growing and look pretty bad

    Hey y’all , I’ve been growing two seedlings, critical 47 and black auto and both of them were doing good if not great first week , then I started putting nutes, and after two times i fed them my critical had all her leaves drooping down while my other one was still doing well, after a day my...
  16. Plantbased

    New Grower I need a plant doctor! (Revised with picture)

    Hello world and those who inhabit it. I have a situation: Organically grown Plants dying/on verge of death after going completely dry over night. They are my first grow experience survivors :baby: SETUP: *Lemon Bud plants (feminized/photoperiod) by Green label Seeds *grow tent *600w LED with...
  17. Plantbased

    New Grower I need a doctor!

    Hello world and those who inhabit it. These brave plants are the survivors of my first grow experience. I didn't know if I completely closed my tent and left the little windows open, (without intake or exhaust fans) that they would starve of CO2. When I checked the next morning they were dry as...
  18. J

    Help ! Leafs on top turning yellow.

    So this is my first grow. I got a 3x3x6 tent and I’m using a 600 hps set to 450w hps to keep it cool now that summer is almost here. Got a nice ventilation as well. My Colorado Cookies has lots of leafs with yellow tips/ some turning brown on the top but nothing serious.... and now I got the two...
  19. Tyler_Durden88


    Hey guys im having some issues with my Plants they are Drooping and the leafs feel a little rough they are 1 week into flower and dont want to misdiagnose and make things worse. I took these pics 2 days before the droopiong got worse thought it was a watering problem but im on a scedual and i...
  20. J

    Indoor Help with diagnosing my plant! ASAP please

    on the leafs she’s got tiny little lighter green dots and I noticed on two of the smaller leafs that got the 5 fingers she’s got a tiny little hole with light colored around it. Nothing serious but I was able to see with my naked eye and would like to know what it is so i can fix the problem...