fox farm

  1. RidaRidaRida

    Indoor 2 x AK & 2 x Fugue State. Maybe some SODK if I buy another tent. First time grower in a legal state!

    So, I will apologize in advance as I am OCD and this is my first ever grow after 17 years of loving the flower, so this will be an EXTREMELY detailed post. I will be looking back on it during each future grow to hone my skills and create top shelf Cannabis consistently. First the tent, 300w...
  2. Tyler_Durden88

    Grow Mediums Double Grape Coco vs. Soil Grow

    I decided to do some experimenting and grow two Mephisto Double grape Autos one in soil one in Coco Coir. For the record I know that only growing one of each isn't very scientific or anything I know the strains vary in grow characteristics this is just for some fun and to see the diffrences that...
  3. johnp540

    Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

    Hey folks starting my first official journal here with 2 hubbabubbasmellascope and 1 critical+ cbd auto. The hbss will be grown with Nectar for the Gods and another with fox farm trio. The critical+ I will use one or the other, undecided for now. I'm using promix seedling mix with mycos, I've...
  4. mintberrycrunch

    Indoor One Tent to Rule Them All ~Shablagoo!~

    What uppppp AFN So I've got about a dozen grows under my belt now. Started in CFL's- moved to mars hydro LED's, considered HPS, but am now going with @BigSm0 's killer AutoCob's. Currently purchasing all my hardware for a tent that's finally done the right way. Previously I ran 2x 150w mars...
  5. Big Sur Holy

    New Grower Second Grow Journal - Let's see if I can do better this time !

    Hello AFN - My expectations of yield might not be met with my first grow, so I popped three more seeds to try again. I'm growing (2) Wild Thailand and (1) Blue Dream. The seeds popped the earth on Feb. 13th & 17th. I currently have them under a 1000 watt led and fans and will keep them there...
  6. Tom'sinflatedballs

    New Grower 1st Grow- DP Auto Durban Posion LED Grow

    Hey everyone. I have been lurking around similar sites for a while, always thinking one day I will grow me a plant. Then one night I said F it and let's just dive right in. I always have learned by doing anyways. So here I am starting my first grow, excited as all hell, and a little...
  7. R

    Emergency please diagnose!!!

    Im having trouble with ALL my plants developing rough almost sand paper feeling leaves and what looks like rust spots. Im freaking out because my sour d auto just started to bud and she is now showing this all over her leaves aswell. Im feeding them all RO water with less than half a dose of...
  8. E

    New Grower Which nutrient starter pack?

    Which nutrient starter pack? Dear AFN bud-dies! :bighug: A while ago I did an info thread for a range of <Nutrients / Fertilizer Starter Packs / Kits Info and Links (2016-09-24)>, partly to work through all things myself and partly to save other AFN people the trouble of searching it all...
  9. pnw_lifted

    Indoor Advan Jack herer/ 00 seeds northern lights grow journal

    Here we go. Grow 4 1st in Portland. Rushed getting dirt to get seeds in the ground. And didn't use perlite. But I have some advanced seeds jack herer and 00 seeds northern lights which by far have been easiest and most tolerable strains these were extras next is blue berry domina and some...
  10. Franky Haze

    New Grower Full Fox Farm Feeding Schedule For Autos?

    Thinking of picking up a dirty dozen kit and pints of Wholly Mackerel and Kelp Me, Kelp You and was wondering how well it works for autos? If used on autos should they be fed less and diluted more?
  11. Johnnybudseed

    [Buddha Seeds Experiment] sex change and breeding.

    Hello, I am currently in the middle of this project - Buddha Seeds Mix - 3 growing at 15 days old. One of em lagging behind for some reason. Anyways I am treating the middle front one with fem spray and am at day 3 spraying it. I have no clue what strains these are and am looking to breed the...
  12. Johnnybudseed

    Old Reviews Cal-Mag Needed? also how beneficial is it?

    Hello, At the moment i am in full bloom for 3 of my plants and am feeding the following - FF Big Bloom 3 tspn, FF Tiger Bloom 2 tspn, 1 tspn molasses, 1 pinch epsom and 1/8th tspn superthrive - [super once a month] I also will be recieving CalMag in the next few days, will that replace the...
  13. Johnnybudseed

    New Grower Please help me.. I beg you! Strain Help

    Hello i am very very new to this as this is my first post ever. I am in need of some good strain advice as i have been trying to grow my dream crop and have been running into alot of issues. I am a legal patient where i live and can grow 6 mature plants legally [which i am trying to do] My first...