fast buds

  1. cc2arms

    Live Stoner Chat Greetings & Growers Love Everyone CC2arms Saying Hello

    Namaste All So foremost want to say this site is awesome, although I'm not exactly a new grower nothing I now know or do would be possible without the insight I've gained here. Thanks ;-) Current Projects usually can be seen on my youtube channel (google cc2arms) This is just an introduction as...
  2. T

    My daughter has cancer, I need this to work. Help please.

    Hi all, My daughter has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia diagnosed in Aril 2015. They were unable to get her into remission, so I started her on Rick Simpson Oil combined with chemo, and it has worked well, she is now down to .02 (.01 is considered full remission). She Refused bone marrow...
  3. The Elvis

    Fast Buds Fastbuds Girl scout cookies!!

    Humm.. what to say about the cookies!! The GSC are a fantastic autoflower thats grows very easy and, and has a strong vigor and has the perfect height. the smell is of Cinnamon, sandle wood and cookie dough.. No mint taste! The taste is all cookie with no menthol taste. Its just a star burst of...
  4. GoAuto6

    Fast Buds Q&A with FastBuds

    Questions for fast buds