
  1. LordGreenWood

    Indoor auto sticky beast and auto white widow ;)

  2. Marshydro

    Mars Hydro 420 Sale Promotion

    Why 420 is called the weed day? Some say “420” is code among police officers for “marijuana smoking in progress.” Some note 4/20 is also Adolf Hitler’s birthday. And some go as far as to cite Bob Dylan’s song “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35” because 12 multiplied by 35 equals 420. But, to put it...
  3. Mañ'O'Green

    Old Reviews Light Grower of the Year 2019 Leg 2

    Lighting Grower of the Year 2019 will start the second of two qualifying legs 1st May. Any seed as long as it is grown under light of Any kind. Standard Battle Rules apply Rules of Engagement for Growbattles 2019 . Growbattles will be Open to All Challengers. Sponsored Growbattles..where...
  4. hashead

    Indoor Dinafem Amnesia XXL "all organic"

    So been a while since I did a journal up on here! Been growing photos the last while but been missing the aul autos! Decided to start running one at a time in the veg tent to help fill it out and add a bit o variety to my smoke. This first post will be a bit of a rant and a ramble, but sure...
  5. Boradan

    Seed Stockers Boradan's easy (HA!) RDWC Blackberry Gum with tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    After having to terminate my Seedstockers Battle plant due to it being a mutant :poof:, I decided to spend a few days fixing a few issues I had come across with my system: I didn't like the clear airlines letting light into the tank, so I have replaced them with black ones. I had to turn my...
  6. VonBraun

    Lighting Auto COB vs Optic 1 COB vs MarsHydro Reflector 48

    If you had a choice to use only one, which one would it be?
  7. frgrower

    Indoor CBD Lemon Potion Auto & Fast Bud 2 (all in one journal)

    Hey Folks, apologize for my last journal ( didnt finish it , had mold , didnt had time coz of real life etc... turned me mad ... ) Guys , im back for some new seeds (and second apolozige because my grow journal are bad, in bloom right now , skiped the grow part) Setup (30 days from...
  8. Autotron

    Indoor Autotron's organic super soil perpetual grow

    After a successful foray into hydro, I'm looking to get something as chill and low maintenance as possible going to give me something to play with, but not take up much time or effort. To that end, a super soil based organic grow fit the bill. I've done these in the past with Kindsoil, but it...
  9. Terra Firma

    Dutch Passion 6 Colorado Cookies in a SCROG (Autopots + DIY COB lights)

    Hi everyone, I've cleaned my growroom and am all set for a new grow :biggrin: This will be my 2nd SCROG grow. My last grow was 4 Auto Brooklyn Sunrise in a SCROG under DIY COB lights. They went for 118 days and produced top notch buds: 2.2g/W. (see the pic below). My goal for this grow is to...
  10. TetratauruS

    Indoor 3x3 2 strains supersoil grow

    Hi guys, I started this journey in my closet area with 3x3 tent using 24/0 schedule and i am currently at day 71. I am new to this community and english is not my native language so any mistakes with punctuation and spelling I apologize beforehand. The genetics; - Canuk seeds auto amnesia x1 -...
  11. R

    Lighting Comparing Autocobs to Quantum Boards

    I love the autocob lights I got from, so much so that I ordered four, then two more, and I'll be ordering three more in the next few weeks! When I asked for light suggestions on another forum, I received a lot of input for Quantum Boards. I looked into them, but decided that the...
  12. Kushalotti

    Lighting Enough light?

    As im new to led grows Id like your opinions on whether or not i have enough light for my 1 plant grow! Space is 60x60x200. Lights are 2 home made cobs as per optic1 spec (54w) 108w total. I've just done a par test with one of these phone apps, probably not the best for accuracy, and it was...
  13. elunex

    Indoor Apollo's Poison in Soil

    I'm currently running a single Apollo's Poison (Ultimate Apollo X Durban Poison) from Greensmokeroom seeds. This was a freebie bean from a promotion they were running. Soil: Freedom Farms Classic Pot: 25L Boost Pot Lighting: Roleadro "400W" COB 2018 Version (2x Cree CXA3070) and then a 1000W...
  14. TehSnow

    Indoor Teh Snow vs. Bubba Trouble

    We've got some serious trouble going on, Houston! I won these seeds back in 2017 christmas contest supported by @Magic and got 10x Bubba Trouble and 10x VooDoo. I originally popped four but only three made it, fourth pot had problems with coco and had to be gotten rid of. Pot: 11l black...
  15. Black Sail

    Lighting Black Sail Black Friday Sale!!!

    Get yourself a Cannon for only $299 each! That's 240 Watts, at 2.0umol/J, with an operating heatsink temperature of ~120F, for only $1.25 per watt! Offer available until 1159pm on Sunday at :smoking:
  16. G

    Lighting DIY COB setup for 3sq/ft | clu048

    Hi all, I've been lurking here for a long time and decided to register. So first of all I would like to thank you all for so much information in one place! I'm building a small COB DIY light for a small tent (3sq/ft - 50cmx60cm - 150cm height) [Max 2 plants at a time]. My budget is around...
  17. Black Sail

    Lighting How to calculate BTU's, Watts do not automatically = heat!!!

    There are a lot of myths and rumors flying around about LED's, and I consider it a serious problem. My fellow growers are getting ripped off every single day by LED manufacturers due to bad information or no information at all. At BlackSail we're trying our hardest to help growers make informed...
  18. Giant Flying Wombat

    New Grower Dutch passions cbd auto compassion lime

    Hey guys!! Time for round two! Learnt a heap on my first grow which hopefully i can put into practice here. Just wanna give a huge shoutout to a bunch of you who helped me through the grow and had advice to share, its an amazing community here and its super appreciated, your all a bunch of...
  19. Shaspa

    Lighting Parfactworks? COB LED

    Yea I know, weird name... So I came across these light fixtures on Amazon. They appear to model the OPTIC series slightly, and have the ability to daisy chain. They use COB's produced by Bridgelux at 3,000K They also use 5W diodes in individual reflectors with specific spectrums as...
  20. Black Sail

    Lighting How to set the wattage on The Cannon

    What's up AFN? You can set The Cannon to a specific wattage without a meter! There's a screw set into the face of the 'A' version MeanWell drivers, all you need is a small phillips head screwdriver to adjust the current. You'll probably need a flashlight to see the markings clearly. Two dots...