
  1. guido420

    Indoor Guido's First Auto LED/CFL... Black Skull Seeds Diesel-Matic

    While not the first time for me, it is the first Auto. Not to mention the first time in Hawaii. Oh and first time in a Tent. Needless to say I didn't do good. I killed some prime seeds starting out. So I was lucky and my order from Single Seed Centre showed up. I grabbed the Black Skull...
  2. N

    Lighting Cfl question

    Il be starting my first grow in a couple of weeks, il be growing LSD 25 auto from fast buds and i have 13 23w-100w bulbs, im just wondering after they pop through the soil should i put it under all 13 straight away or less to start with
  3. G

    Please Help!! Flowering issues!

    Hello, I planted my northern lights auto seeds that I purchased about 80 days ago, (11 weeks). It's been in flower for at least three weeks now, and I'm getting pretty worried. The entire grow has been fairly slow, but right now the buds are not even close to being as big as they should be for...
  4. Buddy Barrel

    Lighting CFL BATTLE Vertical vs Horizontal

    Hey everybody I just started growing my own, using CFL There are plenty of you out there using these kind of lights all with different results. Now i like to challenge all of you to put in your experience and decide once and for all... how to use those watts to the max potential!!! first...
  5. Buddy Barrel

    Grow Room Vertical CFL 125w 2700k, paradise seeds autoflowers

    Hey Guys, so... finally got going with my own grow! I have some experience with outdoor growing. Nothing serious though, no proper genetics or feeding, just experimenting. Did a years of plant sciences at university in 2010 and knowledge of plants has further developed since. It has been on my...
  6. G

    Is my plant dying?

    Im in the process of growing a Northern Lights Auto. It's been going well for the most part so far, except it hasn't flowered yet. It's about 7 and a half weeks old. Today I opened the door and it seems like he new growth is curling. It didn't look like this before (not as bad anyway) and now...
  7. G

    Indoor Second Grow Ever! Northern Lights Auto.

    Hey everyone! I've been spending the past few days getting ready for my second grow EVER! I'll be growing Northern Lights Auto (again), but hopefully doing it better this time! Last time, I had somewhat airy buds (besides the top cola) as a yield. This time, I'm trying to get dense buds. I built...
  8. Hues

    Dinafem Dada's Micro Journey

    Hi AFN! It’s been a while since the cancelation of my first grow, when i came back from the travel i started a new grow immediately. I just wanted to make sure before starting a new journal but everything seems oky. So here is the deal: strain- Fruit Auto and Blue Cheese (from Dinafem) in the...
  9. MrMojoRisin

    New Grower Northern Lights Auto Winter Grow- Indoor Hempy Bucket

    Hey Friends- I decided to try to grow 1 plant this fall/winter on my windowsill. Same set up I had for the last grow, but won't be able to keep them outdoors at all. I'm choosing to grow a White Label Seed Co. Feminized Autoflowering Northern Lights. I chose this strain because it is...
  10. geo.mand

    Indoor Advice wanted on my 'to be' CFL CAB grow

    Hi Ladies and Gents, Must admit, seems hard to find a place to start. Forums like this one are absolutely fantastic don't get me wrong, but the amount of information out there is overwhelming and has downright scrambled my already clouded mind! This isn't exactly my first grow, grew some bag...