
  1. BLACKdestroyer (123).jpg

    BLACKdestroyer (123).jpg

  2. P R O P H I S

    Photography NCH X Dreamweaver (my own) Fem Seed Run

    Hi from Vermont! I haven't posted in a while, been busy doing the work. Just wanted to share these beautiful buds
  3. Mephisto's Sour Orange Diesel Crack by Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Completed Mephisto's Sour Orange Diesel Crack by Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    This is a strain i have held onto for a long time. I wasn't sure the seed woould pop, but i managed to get it out of its shell with a little soaking and some surgery. She's going a lot better now, so lets put her in the blog and see how she does, shall we? here's a few closeups of the one I grew...


  5. defoliated Glue Breath

    defoliated Glue Breath

    this is #2, after all the leaves were taken off. You can tall, she puts a LOT LOT LOT of effort into her foliage. more in flower than in veg. She still confuses me sometimes, years into growing her.
  6. colorful Glue Breath

    colorful Glue Breath

    I was so surprised the first time i saw this color. She's only done it twice. Both times this past year. I had her for several before it got cold enough for her to color like that.
  7. glue breath 2 cola 4

    glue breath 2 cola 4

    she doesn't throw out a main at ALL. Every single branch that can get up to the level of the others, stays there, and grows a FAT, white flower that slowly swallows all the dark green around it till there's nothing visible but white within it.
  8. glue breath 2 again

    glue breath 2 again

    #2, pre-defoliation. You can see the clear difference between how dark the leaves are and how white the buds are, in this one. MAN i hope one of my 3 seeds pops out another one like her! or even better, a male that matches her profile!
  9. glue breath 3 full

    glue breath 3 full

    this is a smaller one i tried. same clone. smaller pot, smaller everything. lollipopped her completely. this one turned out MUCH better than the larger ones do. I dont think she likes getting too big. she puts more effort into her nugglets when she has less to worry about. i think she may be a blond
  10. Glue Breath 2 full

    Glue Breath 2 full

    this is what she looks like right before i cut her. this one was supported by a bamboo grid that i took out, then slid her into a tiled area to photo. VERY different from the plant i put in the tent. Buds are like lead ping pong balls. see that one branch point at the floor?
  11. full Glue Breath View

    full Glue Breath View

    Her leaves start out light, and she gets stressed w/too much light, but once you drop the hours below 14, she starts to shine, and the leaves turn a deep, glossy evergreen. they look like they're made out of wax at the end, when i cut her. amazing plant.
  12. Glue Breath 2

    Glue Breath 2

  13. Glue Breath 1

    Glue Breath 1

    does she really need a description? She is a plant i grew at random, one of the first solo grows i ever did. (I grew as part of a team for several years before trying it on my own) She came when a plant (think a GG. ) hermied and pollinated a motorbreath. i got a bud, and 4 seeds out of that bud.
  14. Frostiest AYP ever

    Frostiest AYP ever

    get in close to that photo... don't you just want to shove your face in there and take a bite? me too.
  15. SUPER-FROST ayahuasca Purple

    SUPER-FROST ayahuasca Purple

    This is one of the frostiest photos ive ever taken. look how THICK those trichs are! The only plant ive grown that comes close to it is my Glue Breath. But this one is a bit darker. It's like it's been coated in powdered sugar, almost.
  16. Ayahuasca 2

    Ayahuasca 2

    Another green cola. one of the 2 in that tent was more green than the other. Not sure why, because they were the exact same cut. They grew next to each other their entire lives, but when they were in veg, they had different lights. I think the greener one had a generic LED. Maybe that was it
  17. Ayahuasca 1

    Ayahuasca 1

    one of the colas on the first SCROG of my AYP. Pretty, but this was one of the greener buds. Most of them were black-ish purple, and a sea spray green color. Very pretty plant
  18. IMG_3764.JPG


    This is the same bud as the previous CDFC photo. I did a complete trim before i took this one, and you can see the bud color a little better now. It always amazes me once im done trimming them, what the flowers look like without all those leaves. She did have a TON of leaves, and took 4ever to trim.
  19. Chocolate Diesel Fire Cookie

    Chocolate Diesel Fire Cookie

    just delicious. I only had one of her. the other 2 didn't grow. but boy oh boy was that one plant worth the price of the pack. it really tasted like chocolate. this is an overhead closeup of a pre-defoliated top.
  20. Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Mephisto Genetics Creme de la Chem Bud Porn

    So I just cut this one down the day before them chem. I also have a journal of another one of these started in the new blog area, just like the chemdogging. THIS one colored a lot more than that one did, though. It was magenta, yellow and green. (the chemD was red, yellow and green). They were...