
  1. Son of Hobbes

    Extraction Rosin Tech

    Coming soon!
  2. budelee

    Indoor Hopper Labs Grasshopper Vape Communal Test Thread

    Hey guys, this is the communal test thread for Hopper Labs Grasshopper Vaporizer! We'd like to thank @Hopper Labs for the chance to test out their product and we've just started receiving the vapes this week! The testing group will be made up of @Son of Hobbes , @Duggy , @budelee , and @Mossy...
  3. Son of Hobbes

    Lighting AutoCOB 55 Watt COB LED Grow Light

    AutoCOB 55 Watt COB LED Grow Light Product Description The AutoCOB 55 Watt COB LED Grow Light is an excellent indoor grow light for the beginner and advanced indoor gardener alike looking for an affordable solution into extremely efficient grow lighting. The AutoCOB 55 Watt COB LED Grow Light...
  4. Rebel

    Nutrients Rebel Tests Remo Nutrients for CannaZone

    Hello!! And all you #CannaZone watchers! Once again, I am humbled and honored to be running a perpetual test grow for #CannaZone & #RemoNutrients @RemoNutrients! They have been so gracious as to send me 9 x 1 liter bottles of their entire line! 1 x Grow 1 x Bloom 1 x...
  5. Son of Hobbes

    Lighting Welcome Black Dog LED - Live Testing Beginning

    We'd like to formally welcome @Black Dog LED ( for joining the Autoflower Network's Live Vendor Program! Black Dog has generously donated the biggest panel they currently offer, their PhytoMax 1000, and we're putting it in the hands of one of our fantastic testers...
  6. Son of Hobbes

    Nutrients Welcome Remo Nutrients

    AFN is pleased to welcome Remo Nutrients for our Live Vendor Program trial and product testing! They have generously donated enough sample nutrient kits for five of our CannaZone Test Group testers to use them for the full 6 month duration of the trial, so we should get two documented grow...
  7. Son of Hobbes

    Indoor Meet the Kind LED Testing Team!

    Hey guys, we're just starting to get the wheels in motion here for the Kind LED Grow Lights Live Vendor trial! We have two testers from our CannaZone Testing Group, @Rebel and @stepside , so let's give these fellas a big hand for testing and a thank you to Kind LED for giving us the opportunity...
  8. 1

    New Grower Question about colloidal silver and pollination

    Ok let me start this out with I'm new to creating my own seeds, now I do know that the object is to collect pollen and cross with a different plant, however I only have one seed for my auto ultimate left, it's being germed as I am writing this, I guess my major question is if I start the...
  9. Son of Hobbes

    Lighting Black Dog LED

    Coming soon...!!!!
  10. P

    Indoor Vertical Heisenberg Special Auto

    Strain-Heisenberg Special Auto. Pot size-1 Gallon. Medium-Dr.Earth Pot of gold soil. Plant Count-110. Lighting-Three 1000 watt Barebulbs. Room Size-10x10(100sqft)...
  11. P

    Indoor Ripleys OG 3000 Watt Auto Grow

    Strain-Ripleys OG Autoflower from Mephisto Genetics Lighting-Five 600 watt HPS Medium-5 Gallon Viagrow Plastic bag pots/Soil Room Dimensions-10X10 aka 100 Sqft Plant Count-50 Nutrients-Humboldt Countys Own Full Lineup this website made me grow only autoflowers lol growing 250 total @mohawk...
  12. P

    Indoor SuperNatural OG 3000Watt 50 Plant AutoGrow

    Strain-SuperNatural OG Autoflower from Mephisto Genetics Room Dimensions-10X10 aka 100 Sqft Lighting-Five 600 Watt HPS Lights Pot/Medium-5 Gallon Viagrow Bag Pots in Soil Plant Count-50 Nutrients-Humboldt Countys Own Full Lineup Building out the grow room this week along with Three Others so...
  13. P

    Indoor Heisenberg Special Vertical Hydro 150 Plant Journal

    Hey Guys. I'm going to have 4 Different Grow journals going at the same time. Strain-Heisenberg Special Seeds from Mephisto Genetics Grow Style-Vertical Hydroponics-Drain To Waste Lighting-Three 1000 Watt Barebulb HPS Plant Count-150 Medium-4 Inch Mesh Pot/Perlite Nutrients-Humboldt Countys Own...
  14. Son of Hobbes

    Fast Buds Son of Hobbes grows Crystal Meth with Fastbuds!

    Hey everyone Son of Hobbes here! I'm going to be kicking off my grow journal and will start a video series for it soon for my Fast Buds Crystal Meth, courtesy @FastBuds . Here's some information on the strain from their site: Crystal METH Taste: Hazelnut Room: Indoor | Outdoor Gender...
  15. Son of Hobbes

    Bomb Seeds Cannazone Test Team to review Bomb Seeds strains!

    @BombSeeds was generous enough to allow our Cannazone testing team to test ALL of their autoflower -and- photoperiod strains over the course of the next year or so. We are prepping our team and in a few weeks we hope to be starting with the grow and shows! Keep your eyes on this spot and check...
  16. D

    Live Stoner Chat First grow! Newbie! Lol

    closet grow, 600 watt led in a 46x24x60 grow tent. Have a 6" inline and 6" carbon filter. 2 7" fans for 4 5 gallon autoflowers, one is fast buds Girl Scout cookies, second is fast buds west coast og, third is a freebie auto lemon ordered from gorilla seed bank and fourth is a cream of the crop...
  17. Rebel

    Dinafem Rebel's Dinafem Picture Gallery

    Since the addition of one of my all time favorite seed companies is now on board I'd like to show off some of the Dinafem gear I've grown over the last 5 years... Let's get our fingers sticky shall we? Auto Amnesia 2013 Blue Hash (Photoperiod) Auto Critical Jack (still among a...
  18. TaNg

    Mephisto Genetics TaNgs Monster Mephisto Thread.

    Hi fellow Mephistonardos (Mephisto aficionados) this thread will have 18-20 Mephisto strains documented in it over the next 12 months, I will be starting and harvesting 2 plants every 40 days once the cycle gets started. All plants will be grown in my 1.2x1.2m room in 15L Airpots, medium will be...
  19. Son of Hobbes

    Multiple Males and Pollen

    Hey guys I have a few questions about pollen I was hoping maybe someone could answer. How close is too close for a male plant and your female plants? Do you guys let males grow out in a separate room all together? Is it safe to keep the plants on the same level of the house? Should I move my...
  20. Son of Hobbes

    Hobbes Gets Wet with Mars Hydro (DWC, Mars II 1600W)

    I'm working on my first hydro DWC grow ever! It's been a lot of failure. :rofl: But also an equal amount of success (like, "gee I learned a lot about what I did wrong "success"!) :rofl: I'd have to say that hydro has taught me more about growing weed than anything else I've ever tried. The...