MarsHydro Light Shows 2023 NORBY grows Sawney beans - FORUM STOMPER-DOUBLE GRAPE+PLANET OF THE GRAPES & EL JEFE "THE BOSS" & Dutch Passions SFV OG (Mars Hydro TSW 2000)

MarsHydro Light Shows 2023

I need a new grow space​

So i gotta go to work for it​

View attachment 1629805
Nice one again mate, work work! :rofl:

How do you handle excessive rain/water in a den btw?

Doesn't it become flooded with water when it pisses rain out of the sky?
sawney bean strains in late flower

insane in the brain motherfucker

Nice one again mate, work work! :rofl:

How do you handle excessive rain/water in a den btw?

Doesn't it become flooded with water when it pisses rain out of the sky?
Thanks @Antonio_DutchPassion
I dug in a french drain at the bottom of the hole and i have the box raised off the floor about 1/2 foot incase the drain fails,
it does its job and has never leaked or filled up lol,
Its always raining here too
Thanks @Antonio_DutchPassion
I dug in a french drain at the bottom of the hole and i have the box raised off the floor about 1/2 foot incase the drain fails,
it does its job and has never leaked or filled up lol,
Its always raining here too
Great man, really inspiring to see you make these dens!

This current grow has been longest ive ever let the Den stay filled & going past day 70.​

And first time using a 20/4 light cycle from day 18.​

Everthing is still nice and green and some starting to fade off now with receding pistols that are changing to orange.​

The 3 tall ones are ready to come out any day now and the last 2 will be another 2 weeks yet i think.​

will get pics soon
Ive nearly my stuff all ready now and im egar to get the next ones started when i remove the 3 tall girls for a harvesting.​

Tonight i chopped another 3​

The Lecter​

The El Jefe​


The FsDgPog​

I ran outa room in the drying net so had to leave the lowers on the FsDgPog and gona throw it back in the Den tomorrow again, be intresting to see what happens.​

Time to start germing seeds then i will start them in nursery pots and select the most similar growing ones for transplantation.​

I will be using​

Small Lecter​

For a 8 plant SOG in 3 gal Smartpots.​

sorry no pics as my daughter smashed the fone ffs​

Grow fridge is now the drying fridge

The missus is giving me shit about the smell of weed cos of my drying net hanging in the bedroom so i had to go and find the door to the Grow Fridge and cut a hole in the top corner for the fan & carbon filter. Its now the Drying Fridge lol​

It turned out pretty good and its perfect for dryin in with no smell at all.​

I was able to keep the light in it too cos its all hooked up together through the fridges internal electrics meaning when the door closes the light goes out and the fans stay on, thier speed can be turned up or down from the dails inside the fridge.​

If i ever want to use it to grow in i can remove the button that turns off the light when the door closes.​

Definitely worth keeping an old fridge to do this to dry weed cos of the way it can be wired together into one plug through the wiring thats already there.​

Weed Fridge / Drying Fridge

Weed Fridge / Drying Fridge
