Grow dots deficiency

Here’s a critical mass auto I grew last run that’s got me hooked on Autos

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Don't pull that plant up just try some HydroGuard along with the Canna nutes. If you don't mind taking a chance with discoloring some of the buds you can also try a foliar aplication of Earth Juice Micro Blast. be sure to do mid day with a lot of airflow so the buds do not stay wet long. There is always some risk in getting buds wet.
Firstly, this was my first post as a new member and I stoked to see so many responses. Thanks to everyone who responded. Yea, these dots got me stumped. I went with coco because that’s what scotty real specifically told me to use and I love me some good coco, especially canna coco. I’m generally speaking a dtw coco grower although I’ve run organic soil and deep water culture. I moved recently and lost my basement drain which made getting rid of waste water easy but I’ve doubled my grow area added an additional hlg-550 and gained more control with day night temps and humidity. I was feeling kinda guilty about the amount of wastewater I generate so I decided to give some grow dots and gro buckets a try. I think part of what might be going on is the distribution of the Dots. I mixed up many gallons of coco at a time and I’m thinking they didn’t each receive the same amount of dots Per container. Perhaps mixing a single 5 gallon buckets worth at a time might ensure the proper dosage per bucket. @Mañ'O'Green , these are grobuckets so there’s never any real runoff and I suspect as you do something going on down there. I’m tempted to pull the worst plant up as she’s not looking like she’s turning around but due to the nature of the reservoir having slots for the roots to grow thru I fear I’d really damage the roots. i Can topwater it and force runoff thru the single drain hole but I’m not getting any funky smells. I don’t really know how to add on top of grow dots either so I’ve started to top feed only about half strength canna a and b. I’ve had such great resulots running coco dtw all these years I wonder why I bother changing but I’ve got a peat coco ewc mix using organic amendments one in a pot one in a bucket. I’m also new to autos so hey let’s just try changing everything at once haha. im Super excited about some mephisto genetics I just popped and they are going in strait coco for sure. I really appreciate everyone’s comments and I keep y’all updated. Stay faded.
You never know if something will work till you try it.
I know when I checked earlier cause I wondered the same thing.. I just looked at a bag on amazon and the bags says coco as a media but have only heard folks using in soil:shrug:

I personally have not used them I believe @Dankerson has run them for awhile and some other folks here :d5::vibe:
Yeah I saw many of the same deficiencies in my grows as well. Cant figure it out so I'm giving up on them myself. The Dude Grows guy recommends using them with coco and watering them like soil but can't be used in soil as well.
Yeah I saw many of the same deficiencies in my grows as well. Cant figure it out so I'm giving up on them myself. The Dude Grows guy recommends using them with coco and watering them like soil but can't be used in soil as well.
they work well in soil !!!!!!!! also their "re-charge" is just like Myo_Chum have use both perfer Myo-Chum (plant revolutions they make great white, orca, ect) the myo-chum has mollasses in it - this a liqiud as were re-charge is powder If one use Dot's just use them and nothing more thru grow and plant isues will be miminual/ have a small pack believ I'm going to give them away and not use them
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they work well in soil !!!!!!!! also their "re-charge" is just like Myo_Chum have use both perfer Myo-Chum (plant revolutions they make great white, orca, ect) the myo-chum has mollasses in it - this a liqiud as were re-charge is powder If one use Dot's just use them and nothing more thru grow and plant isues will be miminual/ have a small pack believ I'm going to give them away and not use them
Oh yeah my mistake I meant "can". I used them in soil pretty extensively. Both with recharge and with my own brewed compost teas, no combo I tried worked. Dots are just not balanced well enough. I have had a couple plants do great but out of 10+ plants with dots only a couple doing well isn't good enough for me. Seen better results with genetic store brand osmotic ferts.