Want to thank those who tried to help. But they have done a days worth of grow (if even) in the last two weeks. I mean literally a few hairs on the plant on the right & that's it. Tried all the advice I got, but unfortunately nothing worked. So I'm binning them today.
Tbh, I don't think I'll try again. Putting so much love & effort into something for so long & it can just stop growing is too fu**ing much. Some people have the knack & some like me don't.
Again, I appreciate everyone's help
Here they are just before I pull them. I know, I keep getting told they look really healthy. It's nice to hear that I got something right, but clearly too much wrong.... Back to buying my medicine from criminal scum on the street!
Seriously ?
Not a darn thing wrong with them ! Leaves are green and praying. Don't even see any tip burn !
And @ day 48 you have miles to go...
What you are seeing is simply the end of the stretch and the beginning of bud building.
Patience !
Do Not Give Up Now.