First time growing Ak-47 auto indoors, could this be a nutrient deficiency causing the leaves to droop and have slight yellow discoloration?
Please fill out info you can, more info, better diagnosis. But honestly, I'm not seeing much of a problem at this stage. It will take a bit for the roots to get established before top growth takes off. A big dose of LITFA helps.
Problem: discoloration
Medium/grow method: premade potting soil (picture below), black kow manure and perlite
Feed: and supplements used: coffee and banana infused water (only used once, thought it would help)
water source: well water
Strain/age: Ak47 about 3 weeks old
light used: 1 t5 light (I had a 1000w creecob led but was adding too much to my power bill) I also give them some window sun time
Climate: indoors ~70-80 degrees
Additional info:
Thanks! I’ll keep an eye on it and try out the distilled water it could be one of the problems.Read up on that soil.........It contains added fertilizers such as earthworm castings, poultry manure, and kelp meal, .......with the added black kow it might be a little hot so watch for tip burn......but I think if you can get a better idea on how hard your water is and dial in the PH ( I used a cheap pool ph setup my first 2 grows) you should be good. The nutrients that are present already in the soil should be good enough for the veg stage( my HF depletes after 4 to 5 weeks) then start in with bloom nutes it should be OK. I have found the PH perfect line works best if your at least somewhat close to the ideal range. I shoot for 6.0 to 6.5 before giving to my plants.......Good Luck on the grow and patience at this point is probably best. Going to be a lot going on under the soil before you see much up top.
yup, quite happy with the HF for now myself.I started growing one year ago. I initially used that soil. I kept chasing light settings (too bright?), nute levels (too much? Too little?), watering amounts, Vpd, everything. Every one of my attempts resulted in stunted, yellow-green seedlings. I almost gave up growing altogether. By chance, my ag supply company happened to start selling Fox Farms, so I switched to Happy Frog. The difference was MIND BLOWING. As an experiment to try to confirm my suspicion, I planted two jalapeno seedlings in Kellogg and 2 in Happy Frog. I’ll try to find the pic, but my test confirmed that Kellogg’s soil is absolute crap. The jalapeños barely grew and remained a sickly yellow. The HF seedlings took off, vibrant green…
I am now a HF-devotee. My plants are doing great (with the help of all the AFN wisdom!). Kellogg’s has a very special place in gardening hell awaiting them….
ETA pic