Live Stoners Hello from prohibition USA

Aug 10, 2021
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I'm so happy I found this site. I'm going to lurk a bit and see what information has already been answered. I haven't setup my first grow yet, just finished my prelim parts list. So excided!
I'm so happy I found this site. I'm going to lurk a bit and see what information has already been answered. I haven't setup my first grow yet, just finished my prelim parts list. So excided!

heya @Amber_Cloud and :welcome: to afn! :toke: best canna site on the web here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

I'm so happy I found this site. I'm going to lurk a bit and see what information has already been answered. I haven't setup my first grow yet, just finished my prelim parts list. So excided!
@Amber_Cloud :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Some important things to consider before you start. Water source and quality are very important. If you are on municipal water you should be able to get a water quality report online. We are mostly concerned with the Hardness section and Sanitation section. We want to know how much calcium, magnesium and Ammonia are in the water.

A couple of tools that are indispensable are a good EC meter to measure the strength of your nutrients and a good PH pen. Don't get cheap ones. I lost a 6 plant grow because of a cheap PH pen.

A good thermometer and RH gauge. I like one with a remote display that sits were I can look at it many times a day.

Decide on a style of growing and we can point you to some good information.

Time dial.jpg

Have fun on your new adventure!
"Hello from prohibition USA"
The southeast USA I'm guessing.
Welcome. Hot and humid here these days, these are truly the dog days (so hot and humid the dogs sleep all day)
@Amber_Cloud Welcome to AFN.

Good luck on your first grow. Get stuck in, get your hands dirty, enjoy the ride and learn as you go. Loads of friendly, knowledgeable people on here able and happy to help novice growers like us.

All the best

Thanks everybody for the welcome. I'm still figuring out my setup. I'll make a preliminary post soon to get some feedback! I need to do a bit of renovation first, and put on a new coat of paint in my office before I start. Don't want my girls absorbing the paint fumes. :)
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...The southeast USA I'm guessing.
Welcome. Hot and humid here these days, these are truly the dog days (so hot and humid the dogs sleep all day)

Yup, 94 and sunny today. 94 and sunny yesterday. Going to be 94 and sunny tomorrow. With some thunderstorms. Got to keep that humidity high you know. :muahaha:
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