Autoflower Network Radio

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, we're looking to build out and build on our Mixlr radio channel and we're considering going to a full, 24 hour broadcast with it. We've had a lot of fun with the interviews (and plan on continuing them,) but we were wondering if there would be interest in listening to tutorials and other types of audio on the station, especially if it was streaming 24 hours a day.

A good friend of mine works with a lot of recording studios and talents and pointed me in the direction of how to bring on artists if we'd want to offer musicians and the like time on the radio (I thought that would be really fun and cool actually, heck if it filled up with 24 hours of indie music that we had permission to play, I wouldn't be opposed to THAT even lol!)

Anyway, just wanting to know what peoples thoughts were on it. Music? Info? Education? Infomercials from our vendors? :rofl:

What say you guys and gals?
Hey guys, we're looking to build out and build on our Mixlr radio channel and we're considering going to a full, 24 hour broadcast with it. We've had a lot of fun with the interviews (and plan on continuing them,) but we were wondering if there would be interest in listening to tutorials and other types of audio on the station, especially if it was streaming 24 hours a day.

A good friend of mine works with a lot of recording studios and talents and pointed me in the direction of how to bring on artists if we'd want to offer musicians and the like time on the radio (I thought that would be really fun and cool actually, heck if it filled up with 24 hours of indie music that we had permission to play, I wouldn't be opposed to THAT even lol!)

Anyway, just wanting to know what peoples thoughts were on it. Music? Info? Education? Infomercials from our vendors? :rofl:

What say you guys and gals?


Ah no..that was the @Global Moderators pick.....:crying:...get your Votes in now Team....:headbang:

Ah no..that was the @Global Moderators pick.....:crying:...get your Votes in now Team....:headbang:

Mossy's Erotic Fiction Hour? Gather around while Mossy read's 50 Shades of Grey, 1 hour at a time. 20-part series (she reads a little slow.)
Hey guys, we're looking to build out and build on our Mixlr radio channel and we're considering going to a full, 24 hour broadcast with it. We've had a lot of fun with the interviews (and plan on continuing them,) but we were wondering if there would be interest in listening to tutorials and other types of audio on the station, especially if it was streaming 24 hours a day.

A good friend of mine works with a lot of recording studios and talents and pointed me in the direction of how to bring on artists if we'd want to offer musicians and the like time on the radio (I thought that would be really fun and cool actually, heck if it filled up with 24 hours of indie music that we had permission to play, I wouldn't be opposed to THAT even lol!)

Anyway, just wanting to know what peoples thoughts were on it. Music? Info? Education? Infomercials from our vendors? :rofl:

What say you guys and gals?
This is so cool. I love the thought of music from up and coming artists and tutorials on growing great weed
Mossy's Erotic Fiction Hour? Gather around while Mossy read's 50 Shades of Grey, 1 hour at a time. 20-part series (she reads a little slow.)


Y'd neva understand is..ahm a Georgie..not an accent given to naratives...:crying:...

Roll up roll up....:yay1:..if you don't come up with any alternatives you too could be forced to listen to a 57 year old woman read you 50 shades of grey....and hour at a geordie.....bondage will never titilate again...:naughtystep::naughtystep::naughtystep:..[HASHTAG]#passionkiller[/HASHTAG]

This is so cool. I love the thought of music from up and coming artists and tutorials on growing great weed

Me Too... :headbang:

I think it all sounds awesome, right down the a few vendor commercials!

[HASHTAG]#pimpin[/HASHTAG] :headbang: coz You are doing the tutorials... :biggrin:
@Son of Hobbes I think all of the above suggestions are great. I'd love to come up with something myself so if I do I'll let you know. I can't do accents so you'd have to put up with my fairly standard sounds-like-a-12-year-old-girl voice!
However, love the idea of 50 Shades in a georgie accent (I haven't read it and I'm not going to) but, like Mossy, I'm not totally convinced :crying: Is there something that a lot of us would be interested in that could be read aloud? Mossy's Memoirs perhaps? :bighug:
One idea we had (this is more of a fun one) is to bring on indie/small time music artists and put their music into a playlist. I've got a few friends in the recording industry that pointed me in the direction of some simple forms that would have to be filled out (in case someone comes knocking and needs proof that we had permission,) but otherwise we could let users submit in music and stream it 24 hours between the other recorded content (plus the live events.)

We'd be playing back past interviews, BS radio sessions, and possibly some simple tutorials/guides that would translate to audio-only.

We also now have an official Vimeo account for AFN (a commercial account so we can advertise,) and our talented @912GreenSkell has been working on video tutorials for outdoor growing and the like! Got the inner-workings of "AFN TV" on a napkin in front of me haha!

We're going to be bringing a lot more video/multimedia to the site from our excursions as well!

Radio upgrades!
20180712_095811 - Copy.jpg

Video upgrades!
37027374_10156491674249784_1327434349489946624_n - Copy.jpg

We're going to try to bring a 4k, first person experience to these trade shows, cannabis shows, and events that we attend (I look pretty studly wearing a GoPro head mount, not going to lie.) Also been playing around with 360 video/images, it's actually REALLY neat lol, we took some garden shots at the neighbors the other day testing it out and it was a virtual, 360 experience of looking at cannabis plants! I even put the phone in my VR headset ($10 off amazon) to look around and it's like you are there (even found myself staring at the sun in the picture lol!)

But we're upgrading our audio/video and our interviews as well; we've been invited on location to a few facilities now (just haven't taken them up on the offer, travel is kind of a beast as a family man,) but the idea is to bring more of this stuff into YOUR guys homes, to bring that experience to those that can't have the experience. Plus we have fun doing it. Win-win!