Morning everyone, I am so excited today. :headbang:
The video will be uploaded very soon today, and I cannot wait to share with you guys here. :vibe: It is about the PAR value test and how the Secondary lens will affect the data. :pighug:
I together with my colleague Ruby will be in the video, so you will see me, haha :smoking:
Here is the video we are talking about. lol :smoking::smoking:

Feel free to give comment. :pass:

Can you provide the PAR value data at the exact points along with the heights tested? I see your distribution analysis but what about the true numbers? Can you provide those here? Thanks!
O.O Just recieved my new Light and the Postguy Smiled at me. Not good when there is a Sticker outside the Package Labled Led Light with the Specs!!!! For me absolute a no go as i read there was some issues with the Packaging. I thought this was sorted but wow. Im glad our Postguy is aYoung Student from Croatia(probaply a smoker too) else i would have troubles by now. Just wanted to let you know it would be better to make theese Lables Inside the Box ;)
:vibe:Hey guys I just wanted to drop in and say that I received the Mars II 700 today ViA Fed-Ex, and other than the fools that work at fed-ex taking it to the wrong house (thankfully I saw them and got it) but it really would not have mattered because THERE WAS NOTHING ON THE BOX BESIDES MY NAME AND ADDRESS NO INDICATION WHAT SO EVER ON THE CONTENTS) so please give Tina and Mars a break they are doing better.. and it only took 3 days to get here. :) TyVm
Well i guess it was old stock ordered via their ebay store. The good thing their Storehouse for my Country is only few miles away so they arrive always in 24 hrs and its the local Postal Area so Package is not going thru the whole country but that smile from the Delivery Boy Priceless!!!
Here is the Par test between the 700w MarsII.
@A4 this will show the true readings of the light and the Secondary Lens light is the light they made for the Test.

Thank you sir!

I haven't been the biggest fan of Mars Hydro but I applaud them for releasing this data.