New Grower First Grow - Cream Caramel

I dont feed til the cotyledon leaves start going yellow,usually 2-3 weeks.
I found this guide helpful when i started using coco.
Good luck

cheers man; yeah i've been going through these already; with the nutrients am ok (for now); there s divergent opinions with coco; some wait 2-3 nodes or a couple of weeks (as you) to start, some start start really slow as soon as the first set kicks in (like me; and lots of peope on GC told me to like that, that s why i opted for this) and some also pre-load the coco really light and then start quite early too.
I think am ok with nutrients; I won t go over 1/8 of power for the firs 2 weeks, it reacted well to the low dose. The colour and everything look great.
It is the size the concerns me.
I don't know if the frequency of watering and how I water is effective.
I watered 3 times, each time 30ml-40ml per plant around each sprout over the course of 10 days. I saw some people not watering around the sprout but around the borders of the pot, i believe that is to let the roots strecth in search of water. What is better to do?
Also is 40mL too little?
What people usually do with auto seedlings in their final pot, in coco perlite mix?
Thanks for passing by.
And I know am asking too much, I won t get offended you don t have time to reply.
I managed to find yesterday pictures of the other 2 seedlings in their final 11Lt pot. so yesterday was Day 9 since they emerged from coco.
ANy good?


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I water round outside of pot to make roots look for water in seedling stage,no run off necessary
at this stage.Just keep coco moist.
When i start using nutes,i water to run off,maybe 20%,to help wash out any salt build up.
Experience wiil help you know how much to water/feed to give them to get your required run off.
I water round outside of pot to make roots look for water in seedling stage,no run off necessary
at this stage.Just keep coco moist.
When i start using nutes,i water to run off,maybe 20%,to help wash out any salt build up.
Experience wiil help you know how much to water/feed to give them to get your required run off.

Thanks mate.
The coco in the big pots looked a bit dry, pinched my finger down at a safe distance from the sprout and didn t look very moist.
I gave one the usual 40-50mL amount, 5.8ph 1/8 nutes.
I gave the other one 100 mL, maybe slightly more, focusing outside of pot.
I just wanna see which one reacts better; watering coco with seedlings in big pots is not very easy, I'd say.
I gave nothing to the solo cup.
Let s see which of the 3 reacts better.
If everything tuns out ok I mite continue this and make it a journal.

They all look under developed to me now.
Thanks again.
Youre seedlings are fine,atm they are concentrating on developing their roots.
They do this best when they have to look for water.
Day 12

Very little improvement.
Pictures only of the baby in the solo cup; they all look the same; maybe the other 2 are slightly smaller.

I suspect I am doing something wrong; this is supposed to be harvested in 8 weeks from germination, I have my doubts.
I will not water them for as much as possible now; I watered around the outside of pots the other 2 seedlings in the 11LT pots.
The first inch of coco in the solo cup take longer to dry than the first inch in the 11LT pots.
The solo cup has only got a total of 120mL after the initial watering, in 12 days. It does take a little while to dry even doe the temperature is 28-29, 2-3 days usually, and I am never sure is dry underneath as it is too thin so it's risky to pitch my finger down.
There s 40% perlite in the mix, hope there s enough air for the ladies.
Will update again in a few days, they will be fasting till then unless someone has any other advice.
100w cfl of power at this stage;


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Ive never used solo cups or transplanted autos,but i think your seedlings in solo cups
have been in there too long.The tap root will have hit the side/bottom by now and stopped.
This will limit the growth of your seedlings.
Once an autos tap root has been stopped by a pot side it wont grow any further,even if transplanted.
Just my guess pal,i stand to be corrected though.
Ive never used solo cups or transplanted autos,but i think your seedlings in solo cups
have been in there too long.The tap root will have hit the side/bottom by now and stopped.
This will limit the growth of your seedlings.
Once an autos tap root has been stopped by a pot side it wont grow any further,even if transplanted.
Just my guess pal,i stand to be corrected though.
you are probably right. Just transplanting now. I can see through the solo cup the roots touching the bottom. Let's see if it dies, anyway it was my back up plant.
The problem persist with these in their final 11lt pots doe; still looking healthy; i haven't watered for a few days now; last time was when i watered the outside of pot. pretty close to no growth the last 3 days.
Here are some pictures of the other 2 seedlings in their 11LT pot.
Green and healthy, but too small for day 14. ?????
In the background you can see the one I just transplanted; I doubt it's gonna survive;


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Yeah they look healthy and are small for their age.
I often get this growing in coco,its very worrying until they show some growth.
It doesnt look like the early feed you gave her has affected her,but who knows?
Is your ph in order?