New Grower Germination, need help!

Jan 8, 2015
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Hey guys, looking to clarify and also be spoon fed some [detailed] info.


Strain: Gnomo Automatic
Medium: Perlite/vermiculite Hempy bucket/cups
Feed: Maxibloom and molasses
Light: Chinese 300W LED in a flat white closet
Equipment: Digital pH meter, ppm meter, temperature/humidity meter and a bubbling station

What I was thinking was to start off with 1 or 2 seeds, give them a light scuff with 240 grit sandpaper, put them in a cup of water for about 12-24 hours, then after they've sunk, place em' in perlite/vermiculite Hempy beer cups. I would water with overnight bubbled tap water(approximately 100 ppm, no nutes), pH'd between 5.8 and 6.0 until a bit of runoff daily until the second set of leaves form and that's when I'll start adding nutes @200-250ppm and work my way up as it grows.

Now, what I'm a bit sketchy about is the germination stage. I've read through a shit ton of forums and articles that contradict each other. For example cup of water germination, some people say leave them in there until the tap root emerges, others state you have to take them out as soon as the drop to the bottom or they'll drown. What the actual fuck? I've also read that with the paper towel germination process, the tiny root hairs get stuck to the paper towel and stress the seedling a bit, hence why I've opted for the cup of water technique instead of the paper towel methodology or even a combination of both.

Also, the vermiculite I've acquired is apparently for starting seeds, could I use this to start my seeds or place them in a cup of water till they drop, place in damp vermiculite untill 1st of second leaves come through, then transfer to a Hempy cup and slice the cup open with a razor to drop it into it's final Hempy bucket with minimal stress? I've read that it's a good idea to plant in it's final pot, but surely letting it hit the res or even close to the res in a 425ml plastic Hempy beer cup then carefully transplanting it into a 9.6L Hempy bucket would speed growth up rather than placing the seedling straight into aforementioned Hempy bucket?

Only thing that has me stumped is just germinating these fuckers, I'm willing to try, but I have limited resources and want to be as close to 100% before the seed gets dropped in the water. Also, both RO and distilled water, heating mats and rapids rooters are out of my reach for now.

Any info on what I info I'm missing on germing these butt fuckers or suggestions?
You can let them stay in the glass untill the root emerges. The paper towel method is even better IMO, the root hairs will only grow into the paper if you leave the seed in there too long. Both methods basically work best if you plant the seed as soon as the root shows (an hour more or less won't hurt, but more than a day would be too long)
No need for the sand paper or nothing to scuff them as that is something to do with old or stubborn seeds, and watering daily is a bit too much might over water them , just keep it simple and place it straight into the final destination, and keep a humidity dome over the seed for the first couple of days
Yup or do what reedroguez says as soon as it cracks or shows a bit of tail plant it
Thanks for the feedback guys, also I forgot to mention is some people insist on sticking black tape on top and around the cup. Not too sure on that, and also, with the cup method, can I put it under a grow light for heat? don't really have anywhere for it to stay warm as I live in a cold, humid valley. Also, in regards to the paper towel technique, could I put the damp paper towels in a blacked out zip lock bag and then put that under a led grow light, checking every 6 hours for dampness and taproot?
No need for the sand paper or nothing to scuff them as that is something to do with old or stubborn seeds, and watering daily is a bit too much might over water them , just keep it simple and place it straight into the final destination, and keep a humidity dome over the seed for the first couple of days

I normally place them in a glass of distilled or ro water with just a couple of drops of liquid seaweed for 24 hrs and then into a paper towel dampened with the same water and placed in a baggie. I normally wait for a tap root of about a half an inch before I transplant into a starting mix dampened with the same water. 100% germination. The key is DAMP not wet.:peace:
Light is the enemy when they're germinating keep them away from light as much as you can while germing, maybe next to a water heater? Some people have said they put it next to the cable box that keeps it warm but beware as some get real hot. I would let it go for 24 hrs without checking and then check 6hrs you don't want to get light on them, basically its a root and roots are underground in soil in darkness so try to not mess with it much
I did the glass to germ 8 seeds for 24hrs then put them in a paper towel on a small plate on my microwave until the main root was about 1/4 inch. but my babys crapped out because i had to go on a trip and my brother cant follow babysitting instructions. i just germed one seed by using a moist papertowel and put in on my micro wave and in 2 days the root popped bout 1/8 inch then i put it in soil. we'll see how it turns out