Mephisto Genetics Rhyce Saroni grows a Toof Decay aka Nanny McPhee

Rhyce Saroni

Familiar to the Ganjanistas
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
Day Zero...

I dropped this baby tonight! I chose her because I liked the look of the pattern on the shell... All the beans were juicy!

I'm calling her Nanny McPhee cause' she's a Toof'er and Nanny has a mean Toof!
2-22-2015 Nanny McPhee - Mephisto Toof Decay Indoor-Outdoor Grow.jpgNanny McPhee.jpg

She's being grown in a fabric pot using Root's Organic Light soil.

I'll be documenting her progress here.


Phase II I'll be trying a few of these outdoors during the summer, growing amongst the ornamental grasses in my secret garden...

Cheers! Rhyce Saroni :smoke:
Subbed up for yours too. Videos are cool.
on board rs! :tiphat:I should have some mephisto stuff going within a week.:Sharing One:i will tell you about the boston harbor cruise concert's that took place in the 80s,

on board for a john sebastion concert, and the boat is late leaving the dock?? everybody is waiting to leave, and some more time go's by , and a stretch limo pull's up and driver get's out opens the door, out step's two beautiful blonde's, and a guy with a pompadour:jaw:linked arm in arm with the girl's they stroll up the gangplank and when he was close enough, it was john gotti they held the fekkin boat for him:slaps: :karma Cloud:sent for little toofy.:dance:
on board rs! :tiphat:I should have some mephisto stuff going within a week.:Sharing One:i will tell you about the boston harbor cruise concert's that took place in the 80s,

on board for a john sebastion concert, and the boat is late leaving the dock?? everybody is waiting to leave, and some more time go's by , and a stretch limo pull's up and driver get's out opens the door, out step's two beautiful blonde's, and a guy with a pompadour:jaw:linked arm in arm with the girl's they stroll up the gangplank and when he was close enough, it was john gotti they held the fekkin boat for him:slaps: :karma Cloud:sent for little toofy.:dance:

Yo Astro! I remember those cruise concerts... Gotti! Why am I not surprised. That whole area was mob influenced. You must remember The Channel... F*cuk me running... We always left that place with white noses. Mad cruises to the Cape afterwards... :xlaugh:

Thanks from de leeetle Toof'er... She's but a twinkle at the moment... :toke toking:

my club day's were over when the channel opened, but I did go a few time's:grin: mid sixty's I saw all the big name blue's artist's (including john mayall's blues breaker's} howlin wolf,muddy water's, hooker, al king, bb king. a club on landsdown st called the teaparty right in front of fenway park. that was just a sample of who played there. including jimi Hendrix who was backing john lee hooker. those day's were the golden age of the 20th century :Sharing One:
my club day's were over when the channel opened, but I did go a few time's:grin: mid sixty's I saw all the big name blue's artist's (including john mayall's blues breaker's} howlin wolf,muddy water's, hooker, al king, bb king. a club on landsdown st called the teaparty right in front of fenway park. that was just a sample of who played there. including jimi Hendrix who was backing john lee hooker. those day's were the golden age of the 20th century :Sharing One:

Yeah, you got a couple of years on me... I started young... Most of the concerts I went to were at the Orpheum or the Music Hall. Zappa, Lou Reed, Man, Jethro Tull, Duke and the Drivers, J Geils, Yes, Donovan...

Most memorable was when me and two friends dropped hits of micro dot and went to see the Heavy Water light show at the Hayden Planetarium... A waxing gibbous will never be the same to me... Ha ha ha! :Woozy..?: