Indoor Rebel's Winter Run 2014-15

How big are those bags gallon wise and inches wide and tall?
Looking really nice for there age going to be good producers for sure
You should take a serious look at the pics you're posting before calling other people master, MASTER REBEL!
You do amazing work my brother! :gthumb::gthumb::gthumb::gthumb::gthumb:
Keep it nice and Green and straight from the heart. :Sharing One: :hug:
How big are those bags gallon wise and inches wide and tall?

when they are full or when they are in the package? They are 2 gallons. Not sure the length and width.

Looking really nice for there age going to be good producers for sure

Hey thanks Fairly new! Appreciate you coming by! I sure hope so! That's why I did all 5 Critical Jacks. IMO it's the best auto for your buck if you love a heavy ass, great tasting, great yielding strain. Huge plant, easy to grow, finishes within 70-80 days depending on your personal tastes... Delicious hit it out of the park with this Auto! I'm hoping for a haul!

You should take a serious look at the pics you're posting before calling other people master, MASTER REBEL!
You do amazing work my brother! :gthumb::gthumb::gthumb::gthumb::gthumb:
Keep it nice and Green and straight from the heart. :Sharing One: :hug:

Always straight from the heart my friend! You get what you get with me like it or not! LOL Man... you are way too kind... I'm always reluctant to even consider myself a master... I sure am not. LOL I for sure can grow bomb ass weed LOL I wish we could smoke some together my friend! I like to think I'm a master of my room... I've gotten my area and such dialed in. As do you!! We are masters of our broods!! Thanks again my friend. :hug::Sharing One::tiphat::Smoke more Dope:
Reb thanks for making the friday a little brighter with those pics. Many pics of perfect health. Have a good weekend my friend. :Sharing One:
Truu you rock my friend!! :Sharing One: Thank you much!! You have a great weekend as well man! I'm off to your thread now...
Saturday Night Picture Show!!!

Nothing much new to report... Other than the girls are getting FATT! Tad underfed a few of the big girls so I hit em harder tonight. They'll green back up! See for yourself...

Tangie -- #1 & #2
TANGIE 1_12-14-14 1.jpgTANGIE 1_12-14-14 2.jpg

TANGIE 2_12-14-14 1.jpgTANGIE 2_12-14-14 2.jpg

Blueberry Crumble
BLUEBERRY CRUMBLE_12-14-14 1.jpgBLUEBERRY CRUMBLE_12-14-14 2.jpgBLUEBERRY CRUMBLE_12-14-14 3.jpgBLUEBERRY CRUMBLE_12-14-14 4.jpgBLUEBERRY CRUMBLE_12-14-14 5.jpg

Diesel Berry
DIESEL BERRY_12-14-14 1.jpgDIESEL BERRY_12-14-14 2.jpgDIESEL BERRY_12-14-14 3.jpgDIESEL BERRY_12-14-14 4.jpgDIESEL BERRY_12-14-14 5.jpg

Headlights Kush
HLK 1_12-14-14 1.jpgHLK 1_12-14-14 2.jpgHLK 1_12-14-14 3.jpgHLK 1_12-14-14 4.jpg

Jack 47 #1
JACK 47 1_12-14-14 1.jpgJACK 47 1_12-14-14 2.jpgJACK 47 1_12-14-14 3.jpgJACK 47 1_12-14-14 4.jpg

Cream Mandarine
CM_12-14-14 1.jpgCM_12-14-14 2.jpgCM_12-14-14 3.jpgCM_12-14-14 4.jpg

Waiting to get in the tub to get fed... J47, HLK, & CM
J47_HLK_CM_12-14-14.jpg:Sharing One::Hookah:"AFN smoke out":niceshot::coffee2::bong::bong::bong: damn it's getting smoky in here! LMAO! :smoke:
I see your grow is going great as always Reb. You sure got your shit dialed in my friend. One quick question how come you switched from the white bags to the black grow bags?
:jaw: :Cool bud: :bow: Deeeeewd..!! You are bustin' at the seams with goodness!- :d5: The whole lots is rollin' phat-fat,--naturally! :pimp:
>> Firstly, that LOGK looks fantastic! I dig how you get such healthy, nice sized plants (photo's especially) in that volume pot,... the dry porn is killin' me- LOL! :drool:-dense, gummy resinous clay bud, the aromatics were irresistible! How heavy was the buzz?

>>> Nice batch of Sweets too! :stylez rasta smoke: -great to see some Critical J', that one doesn't get much attention these days- new releases tend to steal the limelight! Critical+ is such a popular parent plant in so many crosses,... (Did you see A4 and Fweedom's Crit's? Stellar!) ...2 leggers, 2 bushiesand a teir to boot-:thumbs:...didn't you use to do this more often? I really like the extra drop it gives that tapper,....***... Hmmm, no purp's/red's in this run, ay? Well, actually, that CM will color up nicely, huh!... ever have any luck with the GDP beans? I gotta talk with my service friend about that, and why the seeds are scarce,...***.... Ahh yeaaah,... CM's loves the House of Reb', every time...! Think the J47's are following suite... both of those are damn fine hotties my friend!
... :banghead: man, the photo line up is wank-worthy!! :bone: Fruit and Cream run, baby- :roflcry: The whole house must smell amazing! ....You got me nailed on the Tangie brudda-- You know I'm mental for orangey aromatics-LOL! (Gawd, I want more of that Agent Orange again...!)... BC is really packing on the trich's,...and the bud-fat! ... DB looking delish' too,.. lovely color on her undersides! .... HK! Another fine ass mama there,... who's the breeder again? I'm figuring the name says it all for parentage- NL, Headband, (?)-Kush.... The Kush craze continues from what I see on various "menus",... everybody and their pet dog has a K of some kind out there these days, almost ridiculous! But the genetics are usually so good, small wonder; well grown OG's seem to be in the 20+%THC all the time! **** :dance2::Gold::dance2: The Rvrnd.'s Winter Garden is blessed!!