Feeling SAD..?

Go for it akito, I think you will surprised at how much better you can feel and quickly! SAD or not you will like the energy boost!
Hi aunty,

new pH meter arrived and the manufacturer is going to replace the previous one the died so I can start monitoring again.

Just got done digging out from a foot of snow and my back and shoulders feel fine! Can't believe the difference

Thanks for starting the pH thread and all your great information
Am i trying to get my ph up to 7? Is that the whole idea?
Yeah akito..PH 7.35 is Golden..but anything above PH 7 is Good.

What is your current reading..and I'll give you a Dosage guide.
im starting out at 6.5 ish in the am and around 6.0 in the pm
Hi Aunty,

7.0 for me this morning but the wife forgot to check. I am normally low in the morning so the 7.0 was good to see.

Excellent oldster..if we can keep it up there over winter you shouldn't slip into SAD symptoms OR get any winter colds..."Feeling SAD..?"

If you sit around PH 7 for 4 days on the trot..you might like to start putting the ALA into your daily routine..you should feel the Benefits of the extra circulation.

Watch for Tingling in the extremities..hands/feet..it is a sign of the circulation being restored.

im starting out at 6.5 ish in the am and around 6.0 in the pm

Have you started on the TEAspoon of BS a day yet akito..?..or is that your Before reading..
Ouch..you will be Feeling that drop....."No not That end.."....have a Hug..:hug:

Have you been using all your energy..or indulging bad habits...?.....:coffee2: