Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Luckily back then we didn’t have to worry about fentanyl in the blow or i would definitely be dead! :eyebrows::rofl:
no lie.... :nono:
This month will be the 2 or 3 year anniversary of a cousin of mine dying from exactly that! Went to his family’s vacation home in Florida for his birthday and got some coke and it had so much fentanyl in it he did 1 line and went into cardiac arrest and died!

It is Scarey isn't it...?....:pass:......
There's gotta be some homegrown/artisanal way to make a personal use amount of cocaine :evil1: I might have to do a little research :kitty: I feel like there's got to be a way to grow some plants in the garden and process them clean and well enough to make something. Kinda/sorta/maybe like making hash ish :pass: Maybe there are strains of cocoa that "wash" better then others?

Personal opinion...not coming from a scientist view...from an aromatherapist view....the Active part in any plant is Usually the pure essential I'd start with distilling it... :headbang:..


Yeah but somebody invented it before all that shit

Exactly the same with cannabis.....:headbang:... Cannabis was used before bongs and the obvious entry point was by simply eating it..
Luckily back then we didn’t have to worry about fentanyl in the blow or i would definitely be dead! :eyebrows::rofl:
I started growing long ago after getting laced with spice/K2 really bad, and ending up in cardiac for a few days.
It originally was done with acetone i believe but gasoline was cheaper! May still be acetone this was 1/2 dozen years ago when i saw the episode i just remember gasoline in the process! Its not just the coca leaf extract that gets u fucked up its the other chemicals mixed into the process of making it! If it was simple you would definitely hear of more people growing their own! I doubt u were the first to think of this option! ;)

But..a bit like tobacco. If you look at how to dry and process your own is enough to put you off trying to grow and process your own.

I grew tobacco just to grow is a very happy easy plant....:watering:

Our paid help was down and he asked if I was planning on smoking it.

I said no.. it's a pain in the arse to process...and he went father grows his own tobacco all the time.

You cut the whole plant down...hang it with airflow until it is dry..then stone in a dry place until you need it.

When you do...just crumble a leaf off.

Almost exactly what we do with cannabis.....:headbang:....and guess what...he was Spot on....

Growing and processing your own tobacco is no harder than growing your own cannabis....:watering:..

Adding salt peter and 200 odd other chemicals is down to commercial preparation and preservation.
Personal opinion...not coming from a scientist view...from an aromatherapist view....the Active part in any plant is Usually the pure essential I'd start with distilling it..
In the traditional method:

The distillation is to separate the product from the solvent, often kerosene. The kerosene is removed with acidified water, and the pasted is precipitated by addition of a base.

Fractional distillation, like Source Turbo should work. High vacuum desiccation should also work to extract the solvent.