Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Yo @PinkyNotTheBrain , how's the recovery goin? I saw you were maybe getting some work hours again?
It's goin, thanks for asking. Im tryna get stronger still but my back has been shifting again , mostly from sitting. None of the chairs in my house are really right for how i have to sit. Its aggravating but compared to before its tolerable :pass:
N ya i talked to my old boss and he said hed have work for me. I told him a few weeks cuz i wanted to get another xray of my back n find out how its looking. Got a dr appointment today guess ill see what he says
How bout you? How u been feeling?

Pretty good lately. Most of the headaches are gone and I only get eye strain after almost a full day of work. I have been using it as an excuse to scoot out a little early. Ya know... especially on Fridays. hahahaha

Aight I gotta run. Later y'all!
Rise and shine everyone!
