Yeah that one blows my mind would love to try it but I would never spend that kind of money on a seed. Think that’s the most expensive I’ve seen but T20, NO and a couple others are far behind asking for 20$ a seed. And your right the more I learn and I dig deeper I notice all the big names is the same stuff over and over. Which makes me appreciate ones like I’m growing now more
Truth is, that's hardly the worst! The elite cuts from some "renowned" breeders who made seeds from said cuts can get $1000's for a dozen reg's, sometimes fems! Copy Cat is infamous for this (among many others), dude is a millionaire because of it... Everybody knows the instant a new release is out, it's value drops by the second basically because it's going to get repro'ed... So they charge up the ass coz they know they will get it!
Hype, marketing, some genuine success/remarkable quality keeps that train rolling, but it's not always worth it...
I'm downstream of one such private breeder who does exactly this... Lot's of custom crosses get made too -

The last few years at least a couple of these photo's get run by my lucky ass -
@Waira has no patience, he must have been that young kid that always asked his parents every few minutes "are we there yet?"
I agree
@Waira in regards of speedy autos, we're trying to get there, but not all our strains are quick finishers.
Highrise put out some great genetics

-- no they drugged me with benadryl so I'd not drive them cray-cray!
Speed isn't always easy to get, most folks don't realize this... Sometimes it comes easy, others it's multi-gen' work... If at all, and any cross breeding for speed waters down the original, so catch-22 there as well...
I found the common misperception is that auto = speed, and small blame, it often does....but "auto'ing" isn't about speed at all really, it's the fact that the plant will go into bloom regardless of light/dark hours.
When it does is the hitch, right?

You know this better than most!
Lil'Stick is plenty fast considering her landrace roots -
Are you hip to something called Thai-Pan 2.0? According the La Buena Hierba, who used it in his Asian Haze cross along with Meao Thai, it's a natural "semi-auto"... It makes me wonder more about the fab' Thai you got over there, maybe a mountain highland queen adapted to a shorter season?
It also made me recall a mate Tobe here, who got some Papua New Guinea landrace a while back... growing them out, he and a couple others found pheno's that bloomed under 18+ light hours! The source was legit BTW, no iffy shit about it... otherwise the parents were typical equatorial long season bloomers...
I'm told it's rare but other olde heirloom/landrace NLD cultivars may show this on rare occasion... Hence the suspicion that there is more than one "auto'ing" genetic mechanism out there!
I can see why in a natural population, such aberrations could persist... normal breeding cycle can be mucked up by some disaster,, etc., and any plants blooming off-cycle may succeed where the main population may not... Plus I can't see anything negative against this, meaning no natural selection forces
against it so it also persists in a given population.
Anyway, I've seen some auto' plants come into Sick Bay holding out 2-3+ months before they finally triggered-
Usually folks do a light dep' trick before this, in case the auto,

That said, the trend generally holds, particularly with so called fast versions, usually F1 auto/photo crosses... It can do amazing things!
A couple years ago I ran one of Krk's project crosses, a Punto Rojo auto in the making using his C99a of course. The PR came from a forum mate who's been preserving several NLD equatorial types for many years...
The mother PR is a 14-16 week bloomer... At F3, no selection for auto's (yet), just looking for PR leaners, inside they are down to about 8 weeks bloom; mine finished OD's, late start+ small pots, in about 6 weeks! Very PR, not a hint of C99a aside from the speed... Excellent soaring zippy-trippy high!