The iron concentration, can you tell what that is? And did the say anything about what (ionic) form it's in, that is, ferrous (+2) vs. ferric (+3)?
Ferrous in more water soluble, and bio-available... Ferric is insoluble (rust basically, iron oxide)
Too much in any form may potentially screw with other nutrient ions, so I'm leery about that pending more info on it's forms and concentrations...
link has some good info, and you can dig around more online for info-

...if it was high, you may need a specialty filter to deal with it. Also, well water chemistry is pretty dynamic, a test from a year ago isn't necessarily going to be accurate a year later. I wouldn't expect any radical changes, but some significant ones may go down... A chat with your local water company may be elightening even if you're not using their services.