DIY CBD capsules, ongoing journey


Perpetual Beginner
May 15, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
DIY - CBD:THC Edibles
I've been experimenting with making my own CBD edibles, I can't smoke, so edibles are my only option. It's purely medicinal and repeatability is important, so I'm trying to simplify the process on both the production and consumption ends. To that end, for various reasons things like 'gummies' were ruled out, and I settled on capsules as my final method.

After reading that orally ingested CBD's bioavailability is almost 4-fold when taken with fatty foods, I decided to try and make a coconut oil infusion so that I could benefit from the absorption benefits of fatty/oil even if I did not take them with a meal. I've also read at various times that extracted CBD does not have the same effectiveness as CBD taken with the full range of cannabinoids available in the flower. Continuing in that line of logic, the idea of consuming the entire flower to ensure all of "natures" combined properties are present seemed like a reasonable idea. So the initial goal was to decarb and then grind the complete flowers and fill the gel caps with that powder or an oil infusion.

Medical cannabis is still relatively new from a scientific standpoint, and I'm only at the beginning of investigating it. There appears to be surfacing evidence that CBG has unique benefits, and that CBN (non-decarb'd CBD) may supply some benefits. Having purchased relatively inexpensive bulk CBD/G flower, I'm self-testing both. So far I've done one oil batch and one dry batch, mixing both -D and -G and a percentage of non-decarb'd material in each batch. It turned out that the ground up oil infused batch either was not ground fine enough, or there is no amount of grinding that would be fine enough, but the bottom line is I could not find a way to fill the capsules with the resulting goop, and I had to strain it and just use the oil. So that batch is not as complete a "full flower" solution, which in the end is fine.

As is always a problem with me, the use of the word "experimenting" would be misleading, I have no control group, I'm just trying things. Worse, I'm often trying more than one thing at a time. Case in point; with the oil batch I did an 8 hour 180 degree decarb directly in the oil. I mixed the CBD and CBG together in that first batch, having not yet read that they require different times and temps. The recommended heat/time for CBD decarb is 240-290º (depending who you ask) for 90 minutes, and for CBG its 220º for 60 minutes. That said, so far I've found the oil-based caps to have noticeably more impact.

With the dry batch, I tried (for the first time) decarb'ing in Ball jars instead of open trays in the oven, and I varied the heat/time as recommended. I followed instructions for that from a well known website, but I don't feel like those capsules are as 'strong' and don't seem to have as much mental impact, so I'm not sure if the decarb in jars was less effective or there is some other reason -- possibly the infused oil is simply more bioavailable than dry even when taken with "fatty foods". The oil-based pills have a comfortable physical effect, and a mild anti-depression mental impact which is noticeably stronger than the dry caps.

As I mentioned, I'm doing multiple things at once. If I were more disciplined and patient, I would test the CBD and CBG separately, but for now I'm trying the "shotgun approach", throwing everything at it and seeing if I can quickly find a viable solution. The oil method is more labor intensive and definitely messier, but if it turns out to be the better solution, I'll deal with that. The mechanics of filling 100 caps at a time with dry powder is way simpler with less clean up and loss.


There were lots of lessons along the way, but this is already longer than I suspect most people want to read, so let me know if you have any questions. I have more things I want to test in mind (or just things I would do differently), but I have enough to hold me for a while. Oh, as a last note, mixing these with varying amounts of THC based edibles is a whole other process. And depending on the time of day, the amount of food taken with them, how well I slept -- and the cumulative and tolerance building impacts... there are so many ever changing variables that I expect this will be a long term process.
My apologies for that initial post, I was caught up in the moment. Obviously it's more useful to actually acquire some data and share that, for some reason I chose instead to share my chaotic process of preparing to gather data... and I rambled, a lot. Not very helpful, my bad.

It's more than six months later, here are some things I learned after making a second batch. These things are all true for me, they may or may not translate to others metabolisms, ailments, etc.

~ For me, the oil-infused capsules work better than the dry ground up ones. The dry ones do travel better, so they serve a purpose.

~ CBD is like THC in that sativa vs. indica plants have distinct properties. I can't take sativa-based CBD products late in the day, they will keep me up at night.

~ It's true what they say; (at least for me) CBD will block THC. Since I only 'get stoned' in the evenings, now that I take CBD with dinner, for me it makes getting truly high (as opposed to mildly buzzed) nearly impossible. I do miss the occasional mental vacation of getting righteously stoned, but not more than I miss the pain.

My physical condition is degenerative, nerve impacted, and has muscular aspects. So I need pain management for nerve related damage, and muscle relaxants for the bodies accompanying 'bracing' response to the nerve-based issues. This condition also has a dire prognosis, so there is a psychological component in terms of anxiety and depression. Currently I am taking no pharmaceutical products, my DIY CBD capsules are my only approach (other than mediation, physical therapy, and making peace with my impermanence).

One of the more fascinating things I've been reading up on is the Placebo (and Nocebo) Effect. It does not actually undermine the efficacy of CBD, but when understood, can be harnessed to extend it. Oddly, the fact that CBD is blocking THC is proof, minimally, that the CBD is actually being absorbed and reaching my brain. The rest is a dance between circumstances and the framing of those circumstances, and how much of our experience of being alive is formulated in our minds.

Bottom line: CBD is greatly improving my quality of life, both in terms of pain management and an anxiety reduction. It's not a miracle cure, but it is a valuable tool and I am truly glad to have it.
My apologies for that initial post, I was caught up in the moment. Obviously it's more useful to actually acquire some data and share that, for some reason I chose instead to share my chaotic process of preparing to gather data... and I rambled, a lot. Not very helpful, my bad.

It's more than six months later, here are some things I learned after making a second batch. These things are all true for me, they may or may not translate to others metabolisms, ailments, etc.

~ For me, the oil-infused capsules work better than the dry ground up ones. The dry ones do travel better, so they serve a purpose.

~ CBD is like THC in that sativa vs. indica plants have distinct properties. I can't take sativa-based CBD products late in the day, they will keep me up at night.

~ It's true what they say; (at least for me) CBD will block THC. Since I only 'get stoned' in the evenings, now that I take CBD with dinner, for me it makes getting truly high (as opposed to mildly buzzed) nearly impossible. I do miss the occasional mental vacation of getting righteously stoned, but not more than I miss the pain.

My physical condition is degenerative, nerve impacted, and has muscular aspects. So I need pain management for nerve related damage, and muscle relaxants for the bodies accompanying 'bracing' response to the nerve-based issues. This condition also has a dire prognosis, so there is a psychological component in terms of anxiety and depression. Currently I am taking no pharmaceutical products, my DIY CBD capsules are my only approach (other than mediation, physical therapy, and making peace with my impermanence).

One of the more fascinating things I've been reading up on is the Placebo (and Nocebo) Effect. It does not actually undermine the efficacy of CBD, but when understood, can be harnessed to extend it. Oddly, the fact that CBD is blocking THC is proof, minimally, that the CBD is actually being absorbed and reaching my brain. The rest is a dance between circumstances and the framing of those circumstances, and how much of our experience of being alive is formulated in our minds.

Bottom line: CBD is greatly improving my quality of life, both in terms of pain management and an anxiety reduction. It's not a miracle cure, but it is a valuable tool and I am truly glad to have it.
All of the Love and Light to you. We each have a path as a soul and each is unique. Everything we need here in our dance is to be found inside us all. I am touched and humbled by your sharing with others. As RA states when you share with one then all are aware.

"... so remember that the sunset becomes the sunrise and the old becomes new."
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I understand your desire for utilization of whole Flower. Kind of holistic.
I have spinal injuries with damage to the nerves and all the associated crap that goes with it!
I think concentrates are the way to go! Since ice water hash is messy and you have to dry it, I use Fresh froze buds and dry ice and bubble bowls for my extraction of the hash. I then press it for live Rosin. I then decard my rozin in a silicone cup placed in machined aluminum Decarboxylation Capsule And put it between the plates of my press with the temperature set.
The resulting product is extremely consistent, about as consistent as you can with cannabis from plant to plant and grow to grow. You can easily duplicate your process about as well as we can without instruments.

The guy doesn't make bubble bowls anymore and no one has stepped up to take his place. Ice water hash , wow extremely productive, it's messy as hell and you really need a freeze dryer.

But all hope is not lost for you to simply use concentrates.
ExtractCraft Source Turbo Uses ethanol extraction for your concentrates. It does require dried Flower and you can either decarb the flower before or the decarb the concentrate afterwards.
You basically put your flower and ethanol, like Everclear, in separate Jars in the freezer for 24 hours. You combine the two jars, shake it and place it back in the freezer. And for what you're doing, I think a few cycles of this with 5 minutes or so in the freezer each time 20 or 30 minutes till time will get a extremely large percentage of the cannabinoids dissolved in the ethanol. You can just filter this combination in a simple coffee filter, but that's going to take a very long time and not get as well filtered as using a Buchner Filtration Flask. A vacuum draws the liquid material into the flask through the filter media. It's much quicker!
You need to evaporate the alcohol to get your end product. And that's where the ExtractCraft Source Turbo comes in. It uses a vacuum to evaporate the alcohol from the mixture and recover it. You are left with a nice pure extraction. You can then put that extraction into capsules directly or in your oil or make a tincture.

Yes, the fat in the oil does help the uptake of the cannabinoids. You can enhance that even further by using the oil in a complex carbohydrate such as a potato, rice or a pasta. I think the potato kicks ass. You can also lecithin to your oil to enhance your oil uptake. I think having a tincture On hand is valuable when the pain hits bad, it will get you some relief quicker than with the oil. Just let it sit underneath your tongue for as long as you can. That can also work to some degree with just the oil.

There's the process!

Now the strains.

Everybody is different and everybody's ailment is different.
Twenty20 Vidamints Is supposedly a 1:1 THC/CBD. I think it's a bit heavier on the THC. A very easy girl to grow with nice firm pretty easy to trim up buds and is frosty as hell. I mainly use her as Live Rosin and vape it. I have made oil with her in MCT oil.
Jean_O's CBD Haze also has T H C and C B D. Her buds were not quite as frosty, but she was not fully optimized in the grow with an outbreak of gnats pretty much as she sprouted. Despite that, she did produce nice rock hard buds and was fairly productive given what she was fighting.
Super Sativa Club Auto Elephant Here's another quite good Medicinal girl. She is usually 12 weeks in life cycle and can get fairly big and She is 60% Sativa / 40% Indica. I turned all of her into some pretty powerful chocolates using cacao butter. Those chocolate kicked some serious ass!
I do think it is helpful to have both THC and CBD.
I do have some other genetics that I haven't tested yet that were gifted to me, although I have made more seeds from wind strain to eventually test later on. Some have some of Mossy's Dragon genes in them.

Those have all been autos. This next run will be all photos with 2 or three medicinals. After growing Dutch Passion auto version of CBG Force, I went to them to get the photo version and also other medicinal strains.
That CBG was quite interesting. She was all made into live rosin. I raped some of it and it was an extremely calming and chill high. Just a really good feeling of well being. I have a veteran friend here close that has fairly significant PTSD. I just knew that this would be something that would be beneficial for him when the anxiety attacks hit him. I gave him some live Rosin and I also made him a tincture. With him it was quite dramatic. He hit his dab rig with it and it was so calming that he had to call me immediately. I went ahead and gave him all that I had made.
I highly recommend you look at Dutch Passion Seed Company website with their huge selection of various medicinals. They were pretty much the first to delve into the medicinal aspects of cannabis and I think they've done quite well.

My next cannabis toy/tool will be the ExtractCraft. It will give me the ability to make concentrates From dried Flower and a better product for making vaping carts. And it adds some flexibility into the utilization of what I grow. And it would fit in perfectly of what you want to do.

I would highly recommend getting an ArdentFX And with the silicone sleeve for extremely easy cleanup. I've had mine now for three years and it has been an extremely invaluable tool! I would suggest buying it first.
It's extremely easy to make infused oil! Either coconut or MCT. It is a one button touch with both decarb cycles for THC and CBD. I use the CBD cycle for the CBG A.and it was quite effective. After the decarb cycle has ran , all you do is add your oil and run the infuse cycle And then press and strain the results in a French press coffee maker. It's ridiculously simple and extremely effective! I think it is more valuable than my nug smasher press.

Here's the links to the products

Be sure to get the silicone sleeve! It makes cleanup so easy!

My main thread where I document my growing is in my signature. I also have Live medicinal thread where I talk about the use of what I grow medicinally.

Feel free to ask me any questions here or in either one of my threads or in PM 's,

Nerve pain can be a BITCH to control, as you will know. In your case, without the ability to smoke or vape , I do think you need the flexibility and quick acting with tinctures For when it's really bad and you need the relief fairly quick without having to wait for the oil to be absorbed r as a booster.
I think for the best results you need to have a decent level of CBD in your bloodstream, so that kind of means you have to take it just like medicine. Inflammation is a huge problem in their pain at least in my case. If I'm fighting an infection someplace else, I can definitely tell that my inflammation level is higher. That means you have to have a consistent product. I think this is your best way of doing so.
All of the Love and Light to you. We each have a path as a soul and each is unique. Everything we need here in our dance is to be found inside us all. I am touched and humbled by your sharing with others. As RA states when you share with one then all are aware.

"... so remember that the sunset becomes the sunrise and the old becomes new."

Thanks for your kind thoughts. I went through decades (most of my life, actually) searching for spiritual meaning in life. Became disillusioned with it all at one point, felt like I was making it all up, deciding what felt good and what didn't -- but realized that my chosen beliefs and comfort zone didn't necessarily have any reflection or alignment with reality. Sometimes "seeing the light" is finding a profound universal fundamental Truth. Sometimes seeing the light is discovering that everything you thought was true, was wrong. So I decided that rather than believe in something that was most likely not True, I would just believe in nothing at all. Sounds good on paper, not that easy to do after a lifetime of looking. (that's a very short version of a very long journey...)

Now I'm facing the final event of individual life, it's inevitable end. And an end that is unpleasant can undermine any illusions one might have about "fairness" or justice or even the benevolence of this loving light which supposedly created it all. I'm not looking for a discussion on cosmology, we all find our own beliefs and that's as it should be. I remember the comfort and sense of empowerment that I derived from deeply believing that I understood some of life's secrets. I understand, respect, and often envy those who feel they have that understanding.

I've had visceral undeniable (to me) profound spiritual experiences in this life, but the bottom line is that beyond those moments (or periods of time), I truly know nothing about their origins, implications, or ramifications. I only know they came, and then they went. I'm not playing hide and seek with the universe, if there is a creator and they have something to tell me, I have to assume they are capable of doing it clearly and undeniably. If no such communication arrives, then it's reasonable to assume none exists or is intended.

Currently my journey has distilled down to more practical and mundane approaches, like attempting to separate what I can control and what I can't, and as they say, "accepting the things I cannot change". It's all about letting go at this point, after a lifetime of giving it my best shot, I have no expectations of finding any kind of 'enlightenment' at this late stage. And that's OK. I tend to believe that our brains have evolved just enough to leave us in a precarious place, where we have the capacity to ask questions whose answers we don't have the capacity to understand. But that might just be me.

My best shot now is breathing my way towards inner peace. Choosing not to have regrets, choosing to be OK with the mystery of all the unknowns, and ultimately, choosing when the quality has left and the quantity has been enough.

If I've inadvertently offended anyone, my apologies, sharing our personal cosmologies can cause confrontations without intending to. I suppose I wrote this more because I needed to say it, than because anyone asked or cared. Hard to underestimate anonymity.

Peace to all -- :cheers:
I understand your desire for utilization of whole Flower. Kind of holistic.
I have spinal injuries with damage to the nerves and all the associated crap that goes with it!
I think concentrates are the way to go! Since ice water hash is messy and you have to dry it, I use Fresh froze buds and dry ice and bubble bowls for my extraction of the hash. I then press it for live Rosin. I then decard my rozin in a silicone cup placed in machined aluminum Decarboxylation Capsule And put it between the plates of my press with the temperature set.
The resulting product is extremely consistent, about as consistent as you can with cannabis from plant to plant and grow to grow. You can easily duplicate your process about as well as we can without instruments.

The guy doesn't make bubble bowls anymore and no one has stepped up to take his place. Ice water hash , wow extremely productive, it's messy as hell and you really need a freeze dryer.

But all hope is not lost for you to simply use concentrates.
ExtractCraft Source Turbo Uses ethanol extraction for your concentrates. It does require dried Flower and you can either decarb the flower before or the decarb the concentrate afterwards.
You basically put your flower and ethanol, like Everclear, in separate Jars in the freezer for 24 hours. You combine the two jars, shake it and place it back in the freezer. And for what you're doing, I think a few cycles of this with 5 minutes or so in the freezer each time 20 or 30 minutes till time will get a extremely large percentage of the cannabinoids dissolved in the ethanol. You can just filter this combination in a simple coffee filter, but that's going to take a very long time and not get as well filtered as using a Buchner Filtration Flask. A vacuum draws the liquid material into the flask through the filter media. It's much quicker!
You need to evaporate the alcohol to get your end product. And that's where the ExtractCraft Source Turbo comes in. It uses a vacuum to evaporate the alcohol from the mixture and recover it. You are left with a nice pure extraction. You can then put that extraction into capsules directly or in your oil or make a tincture.

Yes, the fat in the oil does help the uptake of the cannabinoids. You can enhance that even further by using the oil in a complex carbohydrate such as a potato, rice or a pasta. I think the potato kicks ass. You can also lecithin to your oil to enhance your oil uptake. I think having a tincture On hand is valuable when the pain hits bad, it will get you some relief quicker than with the oil. Just let it sit underneath your tongue for as long as you can. That can also work to some degree with just the oil.

There's the process!

Now the strains.

Everybody is different and everybody's ailment is different.
Twenty20 Vidamints Is supposedly a 1:1 THC/CBD. I think it's a bit heavier on the THC. A very easy girl to grow with nice firm pretty easy to trim up buds and is frosty as hell. I mainly use her as Live Rosin and vape it. I have made oil with her in MCT oil.
Jean_O's CBD Haze also has T H C and C B D. Her buds were not quite as frosty, but she was not fully optimized in the grow with an outbreak of gnats pretty much as she sprouted. Despite that, she did produce nice rock hard buds and was fairly productive given what she was fighting.
Super Sativa Club Auto Elephant Here's another quite good Medicinal girl. She is usually 12 weeks in life cycle and can get fairly big and She is 60% Sativa / 40% Indica. I turned all of her into some pretty powerful chocolates using cacao butter. Those chocolate kicked some serious ass!
I do think it is helpful to have both THC and CBD.
I do have some other genetics that I haven't tested yet that were gifted to me, although I have made more seeds from wind strain to eventually test later on. Some have some of Mossy's Dragon genes in them.

Those have all been autos. This next run will be all photos with 2 or three medicinals. After growing Dutch Passion auto version of CBG Force, I went to them to get the photo version and also other medicinal strains.
That CBG was quite interesting. She was all made into live rosin. I raped some of it and it was an extremely calming and chill high. Just a really good feeling of well being. I have a veteran friend here close that has fairly significant PTSD. I just knew that this would be something that would be beneficial for him when the anxiety attacks hit him. I gave him some live Rosin and I also made him a tincture. With him it was quite dramatic. He hit his dab rig with it and it was so calming that he had to call me immediately. I went ahead and gave him all that I had made.
I highly recommend you look at Dutch Passion Seed Company website with their huge selection of various medicinals. They were pretty much the first to delve into the medicinal aspects of cannabis and I think they've done quite well.

My next cannabis toy/tool will be the ExtractCraft. It will give me the ability to make concentrates From dried Flower and a better product for making vaping carts. And it adds some flexibility into the utilization of what I grow. And it would fit in perfectly of what you want to do.

I would highly recommend getting an ArdentFX And with the silicone sleeve for extremely easy cleanup. I've had mine now for three years and it has been an extremely invaluable tool! I would suggest buying it first.
It's extremely easy to make infused oil! Either coconut or MCT. It is a one button touch with both decarb cycles for THC and CBD. I use the CBD cycle for the CBG A.and it was quite effective. After the decarb cycle has ran , all you do is add your oil and run the infuse cycle And then press and strain the results in a French press coffee maker. It's ridiculously simple and extremely effective! I think it is more valuable than my nug smasher press.

Here's the links to the products

Be sure to get the silicone sleeve! It makes cleanup so easy!

My main thread where I document my growing is in my signature. I also have Live medicinal thread where I talk about the use of what I grow medicinally.

Feel free to ask me any questions here or in either one of my threads or in PM 's,

Nerve pain can be a BITCH to control, as you will know. In your case, without the ability to smoke or vape , I do think you need the flexibility and quick acting with tinctures For when it's really bad and you need the relief fairly quick without having to wait for the oil to be absorbed r as a booster.
I think for the best results you need to have a decent level of CBD in your bloodstream, so that kind of means you have to take it just like medicine. Inflammation is a huge problem in their pain at least in my case. If I'm fighting an infection someplace else, I can definitely tell that my inflammation level is higher. That means you have to have a consistent product. I think this is your best way of doing so.
Wow, thanks for all of that great information. It will no doubt serve the community well.

I've got a routine down at this point, but I will keep in mind some of your great suggestions.

Thanks for your kind thoughts. I went through decades (most of my life, actually) searching for spiritual meaning in life. Became disillusioned with it all at one point, felt like I was making it all up, deciding what felt good and what didn't -- but realized that my chosen beliefs and comfort zone didn't necessarily have any reflection or alignment with reality. Sometimes "seeing the light" is finding a profound universal fundamental Truth. Sometimes seeing the light is discovering that everything you thought was true, was wrong. So I decided that rather than believe in something that was most likely not True, I would just believe in nothing at all. Sounds good on paper, not that easy to do after a lifetime of looking. (that's a very short version of a very long journey...)

Now I'm facing the final event of individual life, it's inevitable end. And an end that is unpleasant can undermine any illusions one might have about "fairness" or justice or even the benevolence of this loving light which supposedly created it all. I'm not looking for a discussion on cosmology, we all find our own beliefs and that's as it should be. I remember the comfort and sense of empowerment that I derived from deeply believing that I understood some of life's secrets. I understand, respect, and often envy those who feel they have that understanding.

I've had visceral undeniable (to me) profound spiritual experiences in this life, but the bottom line is that beyond those moments (or periods of time), I truly know nothing about their origins, implications, or ramifications. I only know they came, and then they went. I'm not playing hide and seek with the universe, if there is a creator and they have something to tell me, I have to assume they are capable of doing it clearly and undeniably. If no such communication arrives, then it's reasonable to assume none exists or is intended.

Currently my journey has distilled down to more practical and mundane approaches, like attempting to separate what I can control and what I can't, and as they say, "accepting the things I cannot change". It's all about letting go at this point, after a lifetime of giving it my best shot, I have no expectations of finding any kind of 'enlightenment' at this late stage. And that's OK. I tend to believe that our brains have evolved just enough to leave us in a precarious place, where we have the capacity to ask questions whose answers we don't have the capacity to understand. But that might just be me.

My best shot now is breathing my way towards inner peace. Choosing not to have regrets, choosing to be OK with the mystery of all the unknowns, and ultimately, choosing when the quality has left and the quantity has been enough.

If I've inadvertently offended anyone, my apologies, sharing our personal cosmologies can cause confrontations without intending to. I suppose I wrote this more because I needed to say it, than because anyone asked or cared. Hard to underestimate anonymity.

Peace to all -- :cheers:
Thank you for your gift to me. Each has their own upward spirally journey.
Wow, thanks for all of that great information. It will no doubt serve the community well.

I've got a routine down at this point, but I will keep in mind some of your great suggestions.

That's good did you get your routine down and it works!
I'm still searching for mine! :face::haha:

Not knowing your particulars, I just decided to throw everything out there to see if anything would work for you Or anybody else that reads this.

I make meds for mainly veterans, but I have also made some for friends. I did make some RSO for an old classmate That was dying from stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It was a successful effort to give her a break from the opioids to relieve the severe pain she was having. With the opioids she was basically in a drug induced stupor where she slept most of the time. With the RSO, they were able to reduce her opioid intake and she was able to visit with friends and family before she passed. That stuff seriously kicked my ASS! It's my go to as a last resort before I go to ER when the pain gets that bad.
I'm glad you finally got your routine down!