Man, that earthbox is past ready for some top dressing! You could feed her some quickly available nutrients mixed with whatever you gonna top dress with compost and EWC ...ect.
I think you use Build a Bloom. If you had some Blue Gold Flower, you could use that with its additional nitrogen that she looks like she needs. Or if you had some of your own homemade

J....... It also has a little bit more readily available nitrogen. Or some additional High quality aminos............ RAW makes a fine product that's easy to get.
To my second top dressing, I do very similar amendments as first amending the media, but more flower orientated. When I grew that Asian haze outdoors, I had to figure a way of top dressing and still use my liquid nutrients that I had. Making a slurry out of the dry amendments, Earth Worm Castings and compost mainly, worked quite well!
I think you're underutilizing the power of the Earthbox and not fully letting your girls be all they can be.
And I think you could work less! The power of the Earth box is having all that nice clean nutrient free(mostly) water and that lets the plant take what she
needs and not being forced as in conventional pots. That means you can really load up that nutrient mound............... Naturally within reason. My first top dressing is administered when I pot up the Earth box. I just leave an area in the center for my girl. That one is slightly more orientated toward flower, just not near as much as my second top dressing which is actually for flower.
My second top dressing is usually the first week of flower. That gives it plenty of time to be available when needed.
I gage the plant's future needs of the nutrient mound by the root intrusion. I'll probe the nutrient mound lightly and look for the
fine feeder roots. Usually, once I see the fine feeder roots, it's roughly two weeks before I see the large feeder roots in the same area.