New Live Intros Thread New grower looking for second opinions

Feb 6, 2023
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Hey everybody,

I’m new to this forum and somewhat new to growing cannabis. For me it was never that pressing to grow my own since its legal to buy in my country(the Netherlands).

However I’m planning to order everything thats needed in 2-3 weeks and would like to have some second opinions on what I picked out.

It’s not legal to grow here and I’ve got no clue wether my insurance will cover a fire so you’ll notice I’m a bit paranoid about that.

1 Lights.

After watching some bugbee and googling tons of specs on lights I settled on the sanlight evo 4-80.

It’s relatively high in price but my reasoning it will pay back itself due to it’s efficiency and durability.

2 Grow tent.

This one I’m less sure about. The light I’ve selected covers a 80x80 surface area however I’m leaning towards buying a 100x100x200 tent just to give me a bit of extra workspace and some extra airflow.

What do you guys suggest?

3 Air circulation.

So I’ve seen some fancy pumps regulated by a thermostat and quite like the idea, however I’ve also read that in case of a fire that fan will start going crazy trying to keep the temperature down and in turn feeding the fire with tons of airflow.

Here is an example of one, you can set a minimum to keep de underpressure in the tent and a temperature setting.

It’s a bit expensive so I’m wondering if it’s even necessary or I could just go with a simplified one.

4 Medium&nutrients

This one I just like to share since it seems like an amazing way to grow and it has a nice thread here already.

Most on the thread use hydronutes so I will start using those but also planning to experiment with coconutes since its a mainly coco based medium.

5 Fire prevention
So I’m really stuck on this one, since I’m often away for 12+ hours a day and a solid sleeper I want to make it as fool proof as possible.

I’m planning to hang a fireball below the roof of my tent and add a smoke detector.

However I found that you used to be able to link the google nest smoke detector to a hue smartplug so that the smartplug will automaticly turn off once smoke is detected. Sadly they stopped supporting this function and I simply can’t find any alternatives. Does anyone know about a smoke detector I can link through wifi or cable to a smartplug or the fusebox?

Any suggestions on better choices for points 1, 2, 3 & 5 would really be appreciated.

I hope I don’t breach any rules by linking vendors they are just here to give a bit more information about the products I’ve been looking at.

Kind regards
Sounds like you got a good grasp. Thats a good light from what I hear.

As far as fire saftey goes, yes to the smoke detector and such but everything current runs efficiently and at low temps amd most lights have a built in overheat trigger that will shut off your light to prevent such things. But fires rarely happen in enclosed grow spaces anymore as long as you fit the equipment to the tent

Basics is an exhausting fan with a carbon filter for smell, because it WILL smell. The tent, fan for air circulation inside the tent and a light. You may need other things like a humidifier or a dehumidifier. But you wont really know until you start. Also a good idea to get some stand alone temp and humidity sensors for the room its in, as managing the rooms conditions makes managing the environment in the tent way easier.
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I know I’m being a bit pedantic about the firehazard and maybe wanting to overengineer the whole smokedetector linked to a socket/fusebox but it’s the main reason it’s illigal to grow in my country. Its fine to grow cannabis without a light or tomatoes under a light but as soon as you put cannabis under a light you become a menace to society… just want to make sure I do everything I can to grow as safe as possible and not bring any danger to myself or my neighbours.
I know I’m being a bit pedantic about the firehazard and maybe wanting to overengineer the whole smokedetector linked to a socket/fusebox but it’s the main reason it’s illigal to grow in my country. Its fine to grow cannabis without a light or tomatoes under a light but as soon as you put cannabis under a light you become a menace to society… just want to make sure I do everything I can to grow as safe as possible and not bring any danger to myself or my neighbours.
Nothing wrong with that, but that seems like a silly reason for it to be illegal. Just make sure the outlet or strip cord you plug into is rated for the extra amps and has a surge protector. As far as integrated fire prevention I cannot help you there, but it shouldnt be a huge issue. Ive never worried once about fires, but I have worried about the overheat saftey on my light before, but its never gotten hot enough to trip it in the year Ive been growing
Nothing wrong with that, but that seems like a silly reason for it to be illegal. Just make sure the outlet or strip cord you plug into is rated for the extra amps and has a surge protector. As far as integrated fire prevention I cannot help you there, but it shouldnt be a huge issue. Ive never worried once about fires, but I have worried about the overheat saftey on my light before, but its never gotten hot enough to trip it in the year Ive been growing
Oh it’s definitely silly and an outdated reason. It’s a law from the HPS era. But yeah the outlets here should suffice and probably need some extra sockets so will be shopping for a overkill powerstrip just to be save.
I just contacted several fire prevention companies if they know of any smokedetectors that can be linked to outlets or fuse boxes and no succes.. not sure for the demand but it seems there is (how we dutch say it) a hole in the market.
You can get self starting extingushers - it will ruin your grow and kit, but could save your house burning down.

I have a few of them.

I’ve been looking into those and settled on the fireball since its reasonable priced and is made for small spaces.

After some digging I finally found a smart smokedetector capable of linking to smartplugs and shutting off all power.
Still need to do some more digging and if people are interested I can list brand and model numbers in a few hours after work.
I think @St. Tom uses a sanlight, not sure which model but he gets great plants with it. I personally would go with the bigger tent. A top of the line surge protector is necessary and LEDs are very safe from known manufacturers. If heat is a worry, a small clip fan blowing over the top of the LED helps to keep it cooler. I have not used the build-a-soil. Anything of the like would be good. Coast of Maine has a good water only soil I’ve seen others use with success. As for fire prevention, I don’t know how safe your country’s infrastructure is so can’t comment on that, but I’ve had my LED running continuous for about 3.5 yrs now with no problems. Temps never reach over 80 degF in tents. Just make sure to spread the electrical load over a couple “legs” of power. If you have circuit breakers in you electrical system, shit off and turn on to see what switch services which rooms and spread your electrical draw over 2-3 rooms(breakers) to lower the use of one circuit. That’ll keep the power running the tent spread out lessening the load drawn from a single outlet. It’ll help with fire prevention.
I’m currently enquiring about a powerstrip with good surge protection that is compatible with the Tuya wifi-761 smokedetector.
I do agree with you about spreading the load, however I’m trying to keep energy usage as low as possible and with the current setup it should be even less then my computer uses.
I also don’t want powercables running all the way through my house so I’m still leaning towards using just 1-2 sockets near the tent.
The extra fan running over the lights is a great idea though and should also help with some extra airflow, definitely gonna use that thanks!
Hey everybody,

I’m new to this forum and somewhat new to growing cannabis. For me it was never that pressing to grow my own since its legal to buy in my country(the Netherlands).

However I’m planning to order everything thats needed in 2-3 weeks and would like to have some second opinions on what I picked out.

It’s not legal to grow here and I’ve got no clue wether my insurance will cover a fire so you’ll notice I’m a bit paranoid about that.

1 Lights.

After watching some bugbee and googling tons of specs on lights I settled on the sanlight evo 4-80.

It’s relatively high in price but my reasoning it will pay back itself due to it’s efficiency and durability.

2 Grow tent.

This one I’m less sure about. The light I’ve selected covers a 80x80 surface area however I’m leaning towards buying a 100x100x200 tent just to give me a bit of extra workspace and some extra airflow.

What do you guys suggest?

3 Air circulation.

So I’ve seen some fancy pumps regulated by a thermostat and quite like the idea, however I’ve also read that in case of a fire that fan will start going crazy trying to keep the temperature down and in turn feeding the fire with tons of airflow.

Here is an example of one, you can set a minimum to keep de underpressure in the tent and a temperature setting.

It’s a bit expensive so I’m wondering if it’s even necessary or I could just go with a simplified one.

4 Medium&nutrients

This one I just like to share since it seems like an amazing way to grow and it has a nice thread here already.

Most on the thread use hydronutes so I will start using those but also planning to experiment with coconutes since its a mainly coco based medium.

5 Fire prevention
So I’m really stuck on this one, since I’m often away for 12+ hours a day and a solid sleeper I want to make it as fool proof as possible.

I’m planning to hang a fireball below the roof of my tent and add a smoke detector.

However I found that you used to be able to link the google nest smoke detector to a hue smartplug so that the smartplug will automaticly turn off once smoke is detected. Sadly they stopped supporting this function and I simply can’t find any alternatives. Does anyone know about a smoke detector I can link through wifi or cable to a smartplug or the fusebox?

Any suggestions on better choices for points 1, 2, 3 & 5 would really be appreciated.

I hope I don’t breach any rules by linking vendors they are just here to give a bit more information about the products I’ve been looking at.

Kind regards
I can vouch for sanlight led I've got thread going back years on them here and I'm running 1 evo 60 in my 76x76x180 and 2 evo series 120s in my 4x4 tent .here's a link to my thread