Extraction My Haribo Gummy Clone Recipe - Ethanol extraction/FECO


Let's see what happens!
Cultivators Club
Jul 10, 2021
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Hey everyone,

I've finally honed in my gummy recipe to as close to perfection as I think it can possibly get. As close to a mainstream gummy in flavor as possible. And shelf stable for almost a year. Weedy flavor is basically nil.

Based on a Haribo clone recipe, with a dash of science here and there. I am extracting via Source Turbo with ethanol. You might be able to adapt it to other methods = butter, or whatever.

If anyone is interested let me know. I will post the recipe and we can go from there.

Oh yes please, I would be interested in what recipe you are using.
I totally forgot that I made this thread. I had just broken my sober streak when I posted it.

Gimme a bit and I will post the recipe and "science" behind it. We can go from there if there are any questions.

Just a reminder that I am using FECO that I make via ethanol extraction in my Source Turbo. BUT you CAN tailor it to use with other extraction methods.

I actually adapted it and cobbled it together with 2 or 3 recipes = an actual Haribo Clone recipe, and 2 other recipes, one of which they were using butter. Then I tweaked the flavoring. Everyone who has tried these gummies is blown away by the flavor.
Neat! I have been making a lot of gummies for my patient but have struggled with getting them temp/shelf stable. Pretty good at making ones that have to live in the fridge.

Shelf stable is really easy. There’s a certain order to add ingredients. But the ingredient for shelf stability is potassium sorbate.

I will post the recipe and method in the next couple days. I’m just cleaning up my notes so it’s not a huge mess.
Just recently got a Source Turbo.

Are you decarbing before extraction, or afterwards?

Just to follow up on that, I decarb the extract in a small beaker on a hot plate with magnetic stirrer bar and a candy thermometer. Once it’s done, I will add an equal amount of MCT to the final product, so 1:1 extract/MCT. Then draw it up into syringes and keep it in the freezer.

only thing with the source is that it’s only realistic to extract like an oz at a time. So I will usually extract around 1/4 lb over a few days and then decarb that all in one shot.
Tools you will want/need.
Tools of The Trade - Part 1.

Couple tools that I use, though you can make them without:

Silicone whisk = stir gently and avoids bubbles in your gummy mixture. Works better for this than a metal whisk. And I would always avoid using a little immersion/hand blender. Reason being that a metal whisk can add bubbles to your gelatin and the hand blender certainly will. If you have ever made gummies with lots of bubbles this is why. Though it is a little bit of an "art" to mix the gelatin, a silicone whisk helps a lot:

Amazon product ASIN B0000VLXJ6

I use 3.5ml gummy bear molds for my recipe I do have some smaller 3.0 ones but I prefer 3.5. My recipe will make 175 3.5 bear gummies, give or take. =

Amazon product ASIN B07R6M27JL

I also use a little saucepan only for gummies. Needs to be one with a fairly thick/heavy bottom which is really hard to tell online. But this one works great:

Amazon product ASIN B07CZYDT99

Finally, some condiment squeeze bottles. Makes filling your molds way easier and faster. Plus if your gelatin start to set, you can pop them in the microwave for like 30 seconds and be back to filling your molds real quick.

Amazon product ASIN B07W976P9G

Flavor oils really help cover the weedy flavor. I get whichever flavor matches my jello/gelatine:

Amazon product ASIN B009PYNTFK