Medical permit process in Canada


DIY whenever possible, and sometimes when it isn't
Cultivators Club
Oct 19, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Various strains, via various intake tools, but no combustion.
Hi peeps,

My application is in with Health Canada, doctor's prescription included. The process of getting the prescription was straightforward, a referral to a clinic from my GP, phone interviews with the clinic physician and clinic coach, and the original prescription was sent to me to mail in with my application. I was unable to get any information by phone on likely wait time, but it will likely be months.

Is anyone here aware of the RCMP showing up with a warrant to inspect a person's setup in their home simply because an application or permit exists? The Act says that a warrant is required to enter a dwelling place absent approval from a resident in the home, but is ambiguous on the criteria required to approve a warrant. I'm also interested in whether anyone knows of a legitimate prescription being refused for no reason other than the possibility of abuse exists. Again, the Regulations and Act are a tad ambiguous about the power to refuse an application.

If the application will result in an inspection, I'd best keep a lid on plant numbers until the permit comes in, if it does. I definitely need to get the winter grow going before there is much chance of the permit getting to me. :biggrin:
Why not slip in a quick grow and then pack it up for a bit? Play it safe. Besides if they do come inspect what better than for them to see and smell nothing. Fall on your "sword of age" if they ask. "Look at me, I'm just an old man. I don't know how to grow a thing."

The white hairs have gotten me out of a spot or two. I am not Canadian nor do I have any idea what their process is.
Why not slip in a quick grow and then pack it up for a bit? Play it safe. Besides if they do come inspect what better than for them to see and smell nothing. Fall on your "sword of age" if they ask. "Look at me, I'm just an old man. I don't know how to grow a thing."

The white hairs have gotten me out of a spot or two. I am not Canadian nor do I have any idea what their process is.
The white hair card, I love it. That would in fact be one of the available strategies. :biggrin:

Getting a grow sorted before inspection is not doable - the grow is underway, at least the girls to be reversed are, and the inspection could happen any time now since the application is already in. I would think that the RCMP have better things to do these days, but who knows? :pighug:
If you apply to produce medical weed, depending on your area, they might. But the laws haven’t kept up with legalization.

Since legalization most patients just go to the local weed store.

The advantage is the number of plants you can have. But most provinces allow you to have 4 plants without an Rx. 4 plants for 3 months can supply me with up to half a year's worth of various medicines.
My application process went perfectly fine, I now have my permit, and can grow more than 4 plants, which was my only reason for the permit. I can provide all I need with 4 plants, but that does not allow me to explore different strains for sleep or make seeds of those that work.

At least in BC, I encourage anyone interested in a permit to talk to their GP first. I got a referral to a clinic in BC which deals with prescriptions, and after a couple phone interviews with nursing staff and a physician, I got the prescription by email, sent it in to the federal department, and about a month later, my permit came. The first time costs are minor (about $50 as I recall, to cover the paperwork necessary to comply with the process), and repeat subscriptions are (as I recall) issued for no charge. Since annual renewal is necessary, repeat costs are a big deal. The internet clinics that you will find directly charge more initially and the same price for renewals, at least the ones I located were. Renewal costs would add up quickly at the online clinics I manage to find.:pighug:
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