Hashish | Robert Connell Clarke | download (1lib.sk)@Zaaboot - I may or may not have a pdf of that book if you're interested....
I'm with you Slater, grew up on hash back in the 90's in Scotland. Never tasted decent green until I went travelling in oz late 90's. I'm fairly new here but I'm in for the hash tutorial (and all the rest dude...!)I grew up on hash back in the day and the more I learn the more I get intrigued.
I've got 10g temple ballz from each of my harvest maturing. Some I'm locking down for 5yrs and some for 10. Cracking the first on my 50th.
oh yes - nice one! thanks
I am opposite never tried hash until Israel after i left South Africa in 1991. It was sativas, sativas, sativasI'm with you Slater, grew up on hash back in the 90's in Scotland. Never tasted decent green until I went travelling in oz late 90's. I'm fairly new here but I'm in for the hash tutorial (and all the rest dude...!)
I grow for recreational purposes but I recently started giving some to a friend of the Mrs's who is struggling with pain after knee surgery. I'm more into a sativa leaning hybrid but ill definitely grow some indica heavy hybrids going forward. Should be legal... :smoking:
oh yes!!!! that really is the way to go _ i remember in one of your older posts about t'ol West Country, same here and hash was always the way, the travellers used to get their hands on some prime examples back in the day. Moved away now, but head down every few months to stock up on pollen and any random blacks they may have. There was a book I got from one of the old guys called Hashish (just found it online 140$...from 1998 by Robert Clarke) and it covered origins, history, consumption, production and chemistry of Hashish, it was my bible for many many moons until I lost it...absolutely fascinating stuff, ever since then its been an obsession of mine going to as many places as possible to taste and where viable watch, and now making various forms of hash.
Anyway, I will be quiet now and watch the show![]()
I'm with you Slater, grew up on hash back in the 90's in Scotland. Never tasted decent green until I went travelling in oz late 90's. I'm fairly new here but I'm in for the hash tutorial (and all the rest dude...!)
I grow for recreational purposes
I am opposite never tried hash until Israel after i left South Africa in 1991. It was sativas, sativas, sativas
I'm newer here but it's always great to have the OGs around so it's awesome you made your way back here! I've had my fair share of issues with mental health so I can definitely relate, it's really great to hear you're getting better! Hope it's all upwards from here for you.
Looks like you have a ton of awesome stuff going on and a bunch of great info here so I'm definitely going to follow along and keep up.
Haha, I'd forgotten about slate. God knows what was in soapbar but I remember the plastic, can't have done us any good...Other way round for me, backnin the 90s I use to work in a pub that was used by Irish travellers and English pikeys. Supposedly I may or may not of helped the pike's supply thier bothers inside. No nothing about it guv.
Red seal was my first then I remember a steady supply of slate and ths god awful soap bar.
The first weed we would get was a form of brick weed. My guess probably African or from Thailand. I have fond memorys of that stuff, to this day I say it induced the best giggles.
I first smoked Skunk (and it was the strain skunk, the dude grew his own)
In 95, I will never forget that night, so so high.
I will back onto the hash come autumn or when the water temp drops in the taps.