Old Reviews Vape advice from Ambit to ... ?

After turning to mostly vaping 4 years ago and suggesting vaporizers to others I can't stress enough these tips. Otherwise people will become discouraged and likely not be fond of vaping.
Using the solo 2 as an example.
Firstly, grind to medium, don't go fine because it will reduce airflow and particles will infiltrate the holes of the glass. Secondly, pack the bowl enough so it does not touch the bottom of the vape. Do not apply pressure to pack the bowl. Just lightly pack it so does not fallout. Let it heat to your desired temperature and wait-have patience- wait 30 seconds for your 1st hit. This hit will be wispy. Don't be discouraged. Wait another 20 seconds or so. The second hit may be wispy. Wait another 10-20 seconds. Now, draw/inhale slowly----I mean very, very slowly, without alot of pressure for a long inhale 10 -20 seconds----this is super important to get the best that a vaporizer has to offer.
If the bowl is done, clean immediately while it is still warm-i take a toothpick to take out the material, then swab with a bowl brush. This reduces the amount times you need to clean the bowl with isopropyl. If you forget to clean the bowl while it is still hot or warm, then just reheat then clean.
Remember looooonng and slooooow hits for great taste and big hits, then wait 20 seconds or so for the next hit-this gives the vape a chance to get heated again.
This is just my opinion/experiences.
Happy Vaping! :bighug:
I honestly just stick a nug in there and lightly pack down. Sometimes flip it mid way thru then crunch it down. I hit it ten seconds after
But I start at 375 or 4 or 5 on analog and I don't mind not having clouds of visible vapor. Just more light terp taste to your tou gue. But ya the thicker clouds then let it heat up. Or start at 420.or.6 or 7. But lower temps more flavor higher temps thick clouds. Smokers are probably gonna want thick vapor to start out to mimic what they are used to but you can change your tastes and if you only vape and smoke a joint it will taste bad
These last two posts are both such great advice. I was rereading Arizer documentation the other day and noticed two things I missed originally: They recommend just sticking small nugs in there whole, and they recommend not using the metal screens that come with. I haven't tried either of these yet, but I think both will help.

Beyond that, the biggest thing that helped me was preheating the chamber before loading the stem, and then waiting a good two minutes before I take that first hit. As mentioned, hitting it very slow and light rather than pulling at full strength as long as I can made a huge difference. Much better looking vapor and the hits feel smoother.

I have bounced around as far as temps go, but I am happiest around 370-380. I set it to a 15-minute timeout and just take a couple tokes over that time. Great experience and flavors I've never tasted before in smoke.
Hey hey people, quick update on my vape situation.

I didn't had the chance to try out the Solo 2 because a good friend of mine sold me the Mighty for a great price. He's hooked on tobacco and told me that he prefers cigs with his weed... Crazy for someone who vape and knows the difference but hey, his choice. He tried it maybe 10 times so the machine is in a mint state. I'm using it for a month now and what can I say ? It is a great vaping experience, solid on every points. I clean the shit every weeks and take a good care of her.

I got to say that the Ambit, for someone with a small budget, is still a beast and I still use it sometimes. Far away from the Mighty experience but the job is done and she rips my brain. It's my portable vape.

So guys, I hope everybody is alright and got their third eye open (and red :))

Cheers to all !
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Ya ive known people who do that say it levels out their high after smoking bud they smoke a cig. I only used to like blunts for mixing tobacco and bud. Used to smoke cigars nice pipe tobacco and hookahs once and awhile never got into cigs fortunately. One of the reasons I love CBD you can smoke or vape all day with good terps without fucking up your tolerance. I just like having something to puff on. Also when I gave up smoking bud and switched to vaping I stopped tobacco . I feel like if you still smoke cigs you won't want to exclusively vape because you like the combustion.
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The Vivant Ambit design is a worthy option for virgins in the world of vaping. In fact, this pipe isn't so bad for vaping.
My personal favourite portable vapes are as follows in no particular order.

1. The ARGO, by Arizer
2. The TERA, by Boundless.
3. The Firefly 2+, by Firefly Vapor
4. The Xmax V3 Pro

To clean your vapes, run them empty at the max setting for a complete cycle. Let them cool, then clean with ISO, and repeat the dry burn.
I also favor the Arizer Solo II as the best all around dry herb vaporizer. Not very stealthy, but built like a tank, and always does a good job.

I shorten the provided holders/tubes. I use a file and/or hack saw to score, break and file smooth the glass tubes normally used; and from there just jam on a short plastic tube for inhalation. The short(er) glass tube is much safer; can be carried on its own or left in the vaporizer in a pocket without breaking.
Hi, now there are a lot of cool online vape shops in Europe where you can order a vape machine based on your budget.
The Vivant Ambit design is a worthy option for virgins in the world of vaping. In fact, this pipe isn't so bad for vaping.
I tried several models, and I liked the effect, the vapor, and the richness of the taste. I think a lot depends on the quality of the liquid. You described only your vape but didn't specify which companies' liquids you had time to try during all this time. I prefer to buy liquids from London Vape Co. I like to feel the vaping vapor's rich, fruity, or minty taste. I think many users will support me in this. Besides, I'm not a fan of high temperatures. I always have about 40 degrees Celsius. My friend loves burning temperature, but I'm not going to become a Ghost Rider.