twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022


Looking good buddy....hey grove bags is sending me free samples too...this afn network is the shit for real everyone on here is awesome....thanks
You are welcome!
Just thought I would add that the fan comes with different size clips so I'm sure it will be fine,
Definitely worth it,
Hope this helps
Ok thanks I just read it says 0.83in is the biggest I just don't want to order and they don't fit....
1 up day 3 1 hasn't cracked been 9 days in paper towel
Day 72 Muchacha
#1 girl is still stretching and pushing out undergrowth

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#2 has stayed compact and and buds are fattening

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Auto Wreck really hasn't done much of anything the past week. Keeping fingers crossed

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20220404_1149-HAutoWreck-1 copy.jpg

@Twenty20 Adam Love the new "magazine"
Thanks buddy…..these are some great genetics!
Yup! I'm excited to run my first photo and it being Trainwreck.

I'm sure glad I pestered them enough on IG for them to come here!:eyebrows::rofl: