Live Stoner Chat Hello I’m back. Sort of

Mar 2, 2019
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Hello forum. I’ve been inactive again, was dealing with some health problems. Actually, I should be getting discharged from the hospital after a 16 day stay. it looks like I will be going home today, and after being in here and dealing with the type of pain that I’m dealing with, it’s made me EVEN MORE of an advocate for what we do here! Cannabis has been such a pain reliever and a comfort to me over this illness, I want to shout it from the rooftops! No one in the world should be denied the opportunity to grow their own healing herbs, it works! And it’s so much better than taking a handful of damn painkillers. When I get back home, I’m getting back to work on exactly that! I had a run just barely started before I got sick and had to let them go. But will be sprouting some seeds soon . Hope to share it with you and hopefully get. A few questions answered along the way, I can’t wait to go home and see my family! Will be posting soon . Thanks and ❤️
Gonna go home later and bake me about a hundred dang brownies to start lol
Nice to have you back and I hope your health improves my bro and if you need any help along the way give me a shout
Welcome back
best of luck on your new up and coming grow,
grow them meds and ease the pain man.
what setup you Gona be running
Been there done that. Cannabis has been the only pain med I've used since 1977....found out after a thoracotomy that I couldn't tolerate pain meds...since then, I've had several more major surgeries and still kickin' it with my own home grown med.
Cannabis is only illegal because it would ruin the pharmaceutical business.