@WildBill ...Tens machines don't work for mine.....

How's your pain doing....?...........
I mean it's kinda the same process of over stimulation. I first used a TENS unit around '91, after I totaled my little Bronco when this stupid bitch knocked me into 18 wheeler. It was nothing but PFL(Pure F*cking Luck) I didn't get killed. There were tire rub marks from the tanker truck's trailer all over my front fender and driver side door. I just knew I was dead with that trailer tire a few inches from me beating on the door. The street was wet and I was sliding along, when the tires got enough heat in them and/or the street was less wet and got enough traction to come out from under the trailer.
It shot out from the truck, hit the high curb sideways and barrel rolled several times. I came to with the trucker prying on my door with a crow bar. The engine was still running and smell of gas. I killed the engine and the door popped open. The trucker helped me get safely away from my Bronco.
The truck didn't feel my little truck hit and only noticed me when I shot out from it.She bitch was NOT stopping, but the trucker used his truck to blocker her and maker her stop.Bitch didn't have insurance and this was the THIRD wreck she had caused in 6 months and no insurance!
Anyway, it re-injured everything, but luckily not to the same level. As a part of my rehab, I got a TENS unit. It helped some, but just as now, I refuse to take opiates. I made it work. Like now, it was just a compromise and only an ease in the pain. It was just a pain in the ass to use all the time. Like when I was first injured in the military, I made rehab a job and worked it like any other job I've been handed. Pretty much nothing but bull-headedness! LOL!
I did get to a point in recovery, where the pain wasn't a constant nagging, so I just dropped using it. A few times, it caused muscle spasms, so that was just the nail in the coffin for further use.
I really think I was in MUCH better health when I was growing most of my own food. Age and the natural progress of the injuries, just put an end to all that. If the Retard in Charge hadn't changed the VA care programs when he took office, me and other Vets would be in better condition. I've been fighting to get the same care the last 6 months.
After that rant, I guess an answer would be in order! LOL! It was a rude awakening with one of those electrical pain shocks and bear growling getting out of bed. Had a few hits with regular coffee has eased all that crap a bit. Next in order is a nice canna coffee with sitting in a nice hot lavender scented Epsom salt soak. Hopefully it will let me get things done today.
Thanks for asking!