Harvest & Curing Powdery Mildew

All that stuff confuses me
I may just wash it with peroxide
pM is a systemic infection... you'll need to maintin control... :smokeit:

you can buy it in point-and-spray... yes it smells a bit... do the treatment in your bathtub so you can wash it down after... once it dries no smell really.

the smell even made it past the carbon filter.

you need a big clue air ionizer. :toke:
1 dTH on it... i'd just rinse when you harvest and then make sure good airflow and a little heat for initial drying. :toke: :2cents:

After the rinsing how long do you think I should let the fan blow on the bud? After the fan blows on it, would it be like a regular dry and cure?
I've been suffering with it this year.
As my areas clear now - EVERYTHING gets cleaned with disinfectant. Nothing gets re-used - cept pots.
It's spread by Spores as I understand it. Carried in the air or on your clothes - like pollen.
You can get rid but it takes a serious regime.
I know - we all get a bit lazy - but that's how it spreads.
Just my bit.
It's spread by Spores as I understand it. Carried in the air or on your clothes - like pollen.
You can get rid but it takes a serious regime.

yep... dont be afraid to bleach your pots for 15 minutes 1 cup bleach / gallon water longer (an hour is safer) and iodine is even better and requires less contact time
(available at a local brewer's shop or possibly pharmacy)

I'll put up an article on PM soon... but in the meantime treat as any other mold infection:
