pM is a systemic infection... you'll need to maintin control...
you can buy it in point-and-spray... yes it smells a bit... do the treatment in your bathtub so you can wash it down after... once it dries no smell really.
yep.... blo a fan on them on HIGH until you dont have any water mositure left on them... at all... check closely in bud crevices and stem crevices.
then go to normal drying curing:
I've been suffering with it this year.
As my areas clear now - EVERYTHING gets cleaned with disinfectant. Nothing gets re-used - cept pots.
It's spread by Spores as I understand it. Carried in the air or on your clothes - like pollen.
You can get rid but it takes a serious regime.
I know - we all get a bit lazy - but that's how it spreads.
Just my bit.
yep... dont be afraid to bleach your pots for 15 minutes 1 cup bleach / gallon water longer (an hour is safer) and iodine is even better and requires less contact time
(available at a local brewer's shop or possibly pharmacy)
I'll put up an article on PM soon... but in the meantime treat as any other mold infection:
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