Spider Mites and Seedlings


Cultivators Club
Sep 4, 2021
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Currently Smoking
Mephisto Forum Stomper
Hey All,

New grower here. I've got 2 seedlings that are 7 days old and I think I'm going to have a spider mite problem! :sadcry:

Yesterday I noticed a single solitary web strand between the two flower pots. Today I noticed maybe two or three more strands and they were on the leaves. With my naked eye I noticed some black specks on the underside of the leaves. They weren't moving. I couldn't see any mites themselves.

This is a basement grow in a dedicated room. I'm not using a tent. Before setting up for the grow I had set off one of those Raid Max bug bombs and then proceeded to wipe all surfaces down with hydrogen peroxide, so I'm kind of surprised this is happening so quickly. Naturally I'm freaking out.

1. If these are spider mites is it even worth trying to save the grow when all I have are seedlings?
2. Assuming it's worth trying to fight them off, what's the best way to proceed? I've read that Neem oil is an option as long are you aren't flowering. I see people mention Azamax quite often. I also saw a few people suggest those Hot Shot No-Pest Strips.
3. If this is a lost cause, what would be the best way to proceed with future grows?

Really hoping I can get ahead of this. Seeing this only one week in and as a new grower is very discouraging. Any advice would be appreciated!
Personally I'd dump them and start over. I have a feeling the bugs would have come with the soil and you don't want to fight that for 7 day old seedlings. What soil are you using and where did you get it ? A lot of big box store soils have those little holes in the side of the bags for aeration that the bugs sneak in. I would call this a cheap lesson learned.
Personally I'd dump them and start over. I have a feeling the bugs would have come with the soil and you don't want to fight that for 7 day old seedlings. What soil are you using and where did you get it ? A lot of big box store soils have those little holes in the side of the bags for aeration that the bugs sneak in. I would call this a cheap lesson learned.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that initially. I'm using a 70/30 mix of Coco/Perlite. The Coco is Canna Professional Plus and it came in bricks.
Not likely to be the source of your bugs. Are you by a window ? Strange bugs already in just 7 days. They had to hitch a ride from somewhere. I would first worry about the source of the bugs before you figure out what to do with them.
Not likely to be the source of your bugs. Are you by a window ? Strange bugs already in just 7 days. They had to hitch a ride from somewhere. I would first worry about the source of the bugs before you figure out what to do with them.
Yeah that's why I'm confused. I knew that coco bricks are very unlikely to have bugs.

I'm growing in a dedicated room in the basement. No windows. I don't really have a better place to grow. I had set off a bug bomb in that room prior to growing, but now I'm kinda thinking I should have done the whole basement. Even then, eradicating every single bug in that basement might not be feasible. It's an old house.

Yea it's all rather strange. I wouldn't think spider mites just be hanging around in your basement. Do you have other plants in the house they may have come in contact with ? Did you get the seedlings from somewhere ? Did you hydrate the coco outside ? Maybe your just super unlucky and brought them in on your cloths,, but man that's pretty crazy bad luck to bring them in on your first day. I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction to get rid of them. But I would be really paranoid that they will just come back in 30 days time if you dont find the source. I hate bugs man ! The wife and I have gone to war over her bringing home any house plants. I have a no bug chances policy.
Yea it's all rather strange. I wouldn't think spider mites just be hanging around in your basement. Do you have other plants in the house they may have come in contact with ? Did you get the seedlings from somewhere ? Did you hydrate the coco outside ? Maybe your just super unlucky and brought them in on your cloths,, but man that's pretty crazy bad luck to bring them in on your first day. I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction to get rid of them. But I would be really paranoid that they will just come back in 30 days time if you dont find the source. I hate bugs man ! The wife and I have gone to war over her bringing home any house plants. I have a no bug chances policy.
No other plants in the house. I germinated these seedlings from seeds. The coco was hydrated right there in the room using bottles of distilled water. Even the 18 gallon tupperware basin I bought was new and had been wiped down with H2O2. I'm OCD about that stuff.

It might not even be spider mites, it might just be a proper spider. Spider mite webs are like a blanket:
View attachment 1366593
So I haven't noticed that on the plant just yet. Only a couple of individual strands of webs. It was at that point when I noticed a few little black specks on the underside of the leaves. Though I suppose those specks could have been coco? I was looking with my naked eye.

I will say I have seen little tiny spiders in "blanket" type webs around the lights in a room on the other side of the basement. (Ceiling lights set within a drop ceiling. Perfect place for spiders). But I think those are just regular spiders. I'll see them hang down from webs and they are much larger.

At this point I think maybe I'll just take some precautionary measures? Would a gentle misting of neem oil on the leaves hurt them this early? I also have some of those No Pest Strips. I was thinking maybe throw one by the plants for 48 hours and maybe it'll kill them off? I'm hoping that since I have noticed so very early there is a way I can nip this in the bud before it becomes a problem.