Indoor Autos in 50% living soil/50% Miracle-gro SIP~~>1 Sweet seed's Red poison & 1 Twenty20 Trizkits

if i ever run sips im gonna put a tiny aquarium power head in each res to circulate the water without bubbles and some toilet parts to keep it topped off. Seems the shit hits the fan when the water gets stagnant


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if i ever run sips im gonna put a tiny aquarium power head in each res to circulate the water without bubbles and some toilet parts to keep it topped off. Seems the shit hits the fan when the water gets stagnant
I have water pumps and air stones but that seems anything but simple, I'm trying for a simple sip run my 1st try haha then we can talk about improving on that awesome auto watering and circulating idea of yours. If the res water becomes a issue for me i'll just make these SIPS my outdoor pepper containers and switch to autopots for cannabis since that is a full proof plan with no messy dirty res, just a clean res unless you don't change it out.

Love the idea though :thumbsup: :pass:
So much for thinking i could go a week without watering these SIPS, seems the water in the res will cause problems being in there that long ; / well i knew autopots were the future but i still wanted to try this method after watching BAS 10x10 videos last season.
I have water pumps and air stones but that seems anything but simple, I'm trying for a simple sip run my 1st try haha then we can talk about improving on that awesome auto watering and circulating idea of yours. If the res water becomes a issue for me i'll just make these SIPS my outdoor pepper containers and switch to autopots for cannabis since that is a full proof plan with no messy dirty res, just a clean res unless you don't change it out.

Love the idea though :thumbsup: :pass:

Plenty of people have trouble free sip runs.. I would just want the water circulation (no bubbles) to stave off any issues that could arise from not dialing in the uptake.. I think having bubbles would just leach more organic matter into the water than ide want...from the constantly dripping off the bottom of the separator between soil and res.. at least that's my theory from watching sip grows for a few years. :eyebrows: :shrug:
Plenty of people have trouble free sip runs.. I would just want the water circulation (no bubbles) to stave off any issues that could arise from not dialing in the uptake.. I think having bubbles would just leach more organic matter into the water than ide want...from the constantly dripping off the bottom of the separator between soil and res.. at least that's my theory from watching sip grows for a few years. :eyebrows: :shrug:
Good point I did not think about that, bubbles do get messy especially when soil is above it lol
So much for thinking i could go a week without watering these SIPS, seems the water in the res will cause problems being in there that long ; / well i knew autopots were the future but i still wanted to try this method after watching BAS 10x10 videos last season.
not yet on either of my tents, all sips have had dry res since day 1, i was waiting for the pros to give to go ahead or i would do it myself on day 14
So you are going to let your rez go dry like Jeremy?
So you are going to let your rez go dry like Jeremy?
Yeah but i won't be doing compost tea like he did, i want to keep it more simple since i have 5 sips going between my 2 tents and that cover is a pain to deal with until they get thicker.
Growth seems like a crawl, i sure hope i can win the light giveaway from marshydro, my lights sure are booboo, i moved them down from 30" to 24" to help and it seems they liked that.
