Fabric pots and algae.

Aug 14, 2020
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I have algae. I have put in an intake fan to lower humidity - it worked. I may have this problem as I overfeed - that is I use all the nutrients I've mixed and was getting up to 60% run off. I make up 1L per instructions and dilute to reach target ppms, and feed all of that 1.8L twice a day. I'm only going to feed to 20% run off from now on. I'm going to use 6% 20 vols hydrogen peroxide diluted 1/10 and wipe down the pots - is this a bad idea? The plant is very vibrant and healthy looking. Thanks


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I have algae. I have put in an intake fan to lower humidity - it worked. I may have this problem as I overfeed - that is I use all the nutrients I've mixed and was getting up to 60% run off. I make up 1L per instructions and dilute to reach target ppms, and feed all of that 1.8L twice a day. I'm only going to feed to 20% run off from now on. I'm going to use 6% 20 vols hydrogen peroxide diluted 1/10 and wipe down the pots - is this a bad idea? The plant is very vibrant and healthy looking. Thanks
I'd ignore it. My fabric pots have looked lots worse than that by the end of a grow, and it did el zippo visible harm to the plants. I had dense roots right out to the fabric anyway. The plant looks healthy, so I think you are headed in the right direction.

Good luck with the grow. :goodluck:
With the water and nutrients any fungus and mold will love growing there.
If it really bothers you, you can soak the fabric pots in a 10% solution of chlorine bleach after you empty it. Then let it dry for a few days.
I have green moss on the outside of my fabric pots. It gives the grow an "earthy" tone.
Great to know - I have quite a vivid green going on - I think I like it! Cheers for the reassuring advice - thank you.
The algae won't do much but it would be a good idea to water a bit less. over 3L a day for a plant this size is a weee bit extreme. This may however be a good symptom for an environmental problem, what's the rh in your tent and do you have adequate extraction? Do your pots sit in the runoff water or are they propped up above it?
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You can machine wash your fabric pots as well; if you don't want to gunk up your washing machine most laundromats have a "heavy duty" machine that work great for stuff like this. Not a bad idea to clean them up every few grows (or every grow if want to be anal about it.)
The algae won't do much but it would be a good idea to water a bit less. over 3L a day for a plant this size is a weee bit extreme. This may however be a good symptom for an environmental problem, what's the rh in your tent and do you have adequate extraction? Do your pots sit in the runoff water or are they propped up above it?
I can put in 1L twice a day with no run off. The litre of water I mix my feed with I dilute with 800ml to reach my target ec, and I just can't stop myself pouring it through? RH is 60 - 70%,over 24 hours and I raise my pot above it's tray by using a drilled 35cm saucer on a bed of tea lights - (very cheap spacers £1,for 50).I may try watering once a day. Thank you Druid er blessed be?
You are using coco I'm assuming? And the pot is about 4 pounds lighter than the day before when you go to water another 2 liters again, right?

Yes you don't need to put in all the water you prepared, in fact it's beneficial not to.. if you use tap water. Most tap water has chlorine in it, so it's useful to have a bucket or two where you have your water air out a day or two before use. Some people add air stones to agitate it but the oxygen will just just raise your ph. I used a rusty old screwdriver to give it a good whirl before watering with it :crying:

If you make sure to not let it sit longer than a week to 10 days you're fine.. is the general rule but again do as I say not as I do since my water tank was 25Liter and had it's own primitive language by the end of a grow. Hell have a look at some pictures of my tent in the taproot pruning thread. I had algae everywhere and was basically doing the same thing as you're doing now. But I only had an average humidity of 15g/m³ since I was cycling out the entire tent's worth or air every 2/3 minutes and airing out the room in the morning when the temps rose and the dew evaporated again. Check uncle google for a vapor pressure differential map/chart. Might be an interesting topic to dive into.

A good rule I found out, and worked for me, was to water about 10% of the pot volume every day.. and then increase that as they actually require more. Watering 10% of the volume 2ce a day in flower/summer.

If you are using coco almost can't overwater.. but if you water a huge amount as they are sipping a huge amount in summer because of heat lower your concentration a little or you might get some imbalances.

Hallowed be thy grow

pew pew pew :biggrin: