New Grower Extremely lazy man's outdoor organic grow

Jun 10, 2021
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Background: Used to grow many years ago in a closet in a cold rainy Northern European country which frowns on the green. So have some familiarity with the plant and how it grows, but my knowledge is not up-to-date (except what I've lurked and learned in here the past while.) Until this year I had zero experience of outdoor growing, organic growing or autoflowers. I've been on a steep learning curve the hard way. First crop were rendered dwarfs by a freak freeze.

Environment: Balcony grow in a hot country. Just a couple of plants - Critical Auto. They'll be in a small garden alongside two Blue Cheeses who are already about five weeks ahead. Soil is basic potting soil from the local garden centre. (Did I mention I'm lazy? I'm VERY lazy. There may well be a lot of things I do out of laziness that might exasperate some more expert and fastidious growers.) One seed is going into a fabric pot, another into a plastic one. I aim to pop three, with the intention of growing the best two to fruition. Legal considerations apply, by way of explanation.

Strategy: I intend to do as little as possible, apart from watering and perhaps a little LST. The two Blue Cheeses have been trained horizontally almost like a vine to max bud sites. I might try that again. Or I might not. So, there'll probably only be the nutes natural to the soil involved, and water. If I do decide to go with nutes, it'll be a simple addition of Biobizz fish mix, as suggested on this site elsewhere. I will be using peroxide to control gnats and other pests, cinnamon on the soil if necessary, and the yellow stickies. If any other nasty infests, I'll be asking for help.

Aim: To get a little green for domestic use. And enjoy myself growing the world's greatest and most interesting plant. And do so with as little effort or stress as possible.

The seeds are in damp kitchen towel as we speak. First pics once they are planted and break soil, hopefully some time next week. All comments, thoughts, advice or abuse welcome!
Background: Used to grow many years ago in a closet in a cold rainy Northern European country which frowns on the green. So have some familiarity with the plant and how it grows, but my knowledge is not up-to-date (except what I've lurked and learned in here the past while.) Until this year I had zero experience of outdoor growing, organic growing or autoflowers. I've been on a steep learning curve the hard way. First crop were rendered dwarfs by a freak freeze.

Environment: Balcony grow in a hot country. Just a couple of plants - Critical Auto. They'll be in a small garden alongside two Blue Cheeses who are already about five weeks ahead. Soil is basic potting soil from the local garden centre. (Did I mention I'm lazy? I'm VERY lazy. There may well be a lot of things I do out of laziness that might exasperate some more expert and fastidious growers.) One seed is going into a fabric pot, another into a plastic one. I aim to pop three, with the intention of growing the best two to fruition. Legal considerations apply, by way of explanation.

Strategy: I intend to do as little as possible, apart from watering and perhaps a little LST. The two Blue Cheeses have been trained horizontally almost like a vine to max bud sites. I might try that again. Or I might not. So, there'll probably only be the nutes natural to the soil involved, and water. If I do decide to go with nutes, it'll be a simple addition of Biobizz fish mix, as suggested on this site elsewhere. I will be using peroxide to control gnats and other pests, cinnamon on the soil if necessary, and the yellow stickies. If any other nasty infests, I'll be asking for help.

Aim: To get a little green for domestic use. And enjoy myself growing the world's greatest and most interesting plant. And do so with as little effort or stress as possible.

The seeds are in damp kitchen towel as we speak. First pics once they are planted and break soil, hopefully some time next week. All comments, thoughts, advice or abuse welcome!
Lazy = low energy budget.
Background: Used to grow many years ago in a closet in a cold rainy Northern European country which frowns on the green. So have some familiarity with the plant and how it grows, but my knowledge is not up-to-date (except what I've lurked and learned in here the past while.) Until this year I had zero experience of outdoor growing, organic growing or autoflowers. I've been on a steep learning curve the hard way. First crop were rendered dwarfs by a freak freeze.

Environment: Balcony grow in a hot country. Just a couple of plants - Critical Auto. They'll be in a small garden alongside two Blue Cheeses who are already about five weeks ahead. Soil is basic potting soil from the local garden centre. (Did I mention I'm lazy? I'm VERY lazy. There may well be a lot of things I do out of laziness that might exasperate some more expert and fastidious growers.) One seed is going into a fabric pot, another into a plastic one. I aim to pop three, with the intention of growing the best two to fruition. Legal considerations apply, by way of explanation.

Strategy: I intend to do as little as possible, apart from watering and perhaps a little LST. The two Blue Cheeses have been trained horizontally almost like a vine to max bud sites. I might try that again. Or I might not. So, there'll probably only be the nutes natural to the soil involved, and water. If I do decide to go with nutes, it'll be a simple addition of Biobizz fish mix, as suggested on this site elsewhere. I will be using peroxide to control gnats and other pests, cinnamon on the soil if necessary, and the yellow stickies. If any other nasty infests, I'll be asking for help.

Aim: To get a little green for domestic use. And enjoy myself growing the world's greatest and most interesting plant. And do so with as little effort or stress as possible.

The seeds are in damp kitchen towel as we speak. First pics once they are planted and break soil, hopefully some time next week. All comments, thoughts, advice or abuse welcome!

heya @Pipeweed and :welcome: to afn! :toke: and well, do i sense a lil competition here, hmm-?...cuz u don't know it yet, but i happen to be the laziest grower on site, trust me :rofl: :rolleyes2: best canna site on the web here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup: ppp
Ok, two seeds grew 1cm long radicles overnight, so into soil they went at dawn. Quick misting of the surface of the soil and top of a plastic bottle on each as a humidity dome. This might solve my three seeds into two pots conundrum actually, as the third bean is resolutely asleep still.
That's been at least ten minutes of effort, which is plenty for this week!
Inevitably, there's signs of gnats from the garden centre dirt. Ordinarily, I get gnats, I whack with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution available widely diluted down to about 1-1.2%). I dunno whether that's appropriate when the seeds have yet to break soil however? Should I wait until they're bona fide seedlings, or drench with peroxide now?
Wouldn't bother with the peroxide just yet personally. The gnats will bugger off once the pots dry out a bit. Good luck with it all :goodluck:
Wouldn't bother with the peroxide just yet personally. The gnats will bugger off once the pots dry out a bit. Good luck with it all :goodluck:

And so they did! Good shout, mate. I'd have peroxided the shit outta those pots otherwise.
On the downer though, one of the Criticals damped off. I'm not having a ton of luck with RQS seeds this time round. They used to do great wardrobe photos for me, but so far I've had the dwarf Cheeses, a damped off Northern Lights, some seeds not pop at all, and now another damped off seedling.
Ok, I admit I'm extremely lazy, but this is not a great hit rate. I think with my cavalier attitude in future I'll go with Linda Seeds 1.50 specials rather than RQS's pricey and sketchy seeds.
Ok, both seedlings damped off. Additionally, two more Critical seeds didn't sprout. I've had to complain to RQS at this point. I've had a 0/4 success rate with these seeds which is simply unacceptable. Grow now on pause while I decide what seeds to use. Gives me a chance to peroxide the soil anyhow.