Hey GTGSmokey thanks on the comments on the girls.
Yeah the Chem berry D3 she's a little sensitive compared to the other plants that I've grown of her sister seeds.
I'm not sure exactly why she's so sensitive the other ones haven't been so sensitive at all. But this one here's a little more spindly though. As none of these plants I'm growing this year are clones they're all from seed..so each one's an individual and can't be respected from its predecessor sister plant so to speak.
As they're all individuals now each one has different characteristics. Unlike a clone that grew like the plants that it grew from before...
So I try to understand plants and they're like animals and they're like people they all have individual wants and needs......
This particular plant is needy... LOL That's all I can say.... LoL..
Okay so your p.m. problem.
I don't know if you can get potassium bicarbonate in your neck of the woods or not to use on your plant but a product that I have here in the States called Green cure its 100% organic it's completely safe to use on 150 plus plants and it kills all kinds of bad fungus on contact immediately......
I praise this stuff 100% it has changed my whole entire grow last season and this season.......
SO MUCH THAT I am tickled pink with how this product has helped me kill my powdery mildew problem....and I recommended this shit 100%.....it kills many funguses on contact.
The hydrogen peroxide wash is okay but it does not kill it.....it will not kill it..... I used it many times and the stuff just comes back over and over and over again.
Because hydrogen peroxide is water essentially when it breaks down and that promotes mildew if it doesn't get it off right away.
I had some in a bottle yesterday and I sprayed it on some mildew that was in the yard it was a very strong batch left over from when I washed the bud rot away on the samango 2 week ago... it was strong enough that I could spray it on my hand and it would fuzz up.. I sprayed that on some weeds that were in my yard with powdery mildew it looks like it washed right off... I came back a few hours later and the stuff was still there and then next day it was all there... So it don't work particularly well it's good for a stop it right now for a hot second and you can pluck the leaves or wipe them if you want to go that way.
But to kill it.... it's a no-go... On the kill..
The green cure I guarantee you 99.9% because nobody can guarantee 100% but it's going to freaking kill that shit on contact and it kills many many other fungus and that including Bud rot. Go get you some potassium bicarbonate.
and you can use the shit right up to the day of harvest. That's gold in itself you haven't got to worry about it use the h202 hydrogen peroxide and water mix to wash your product off with when you go to harvest and dry and cure is normal after that it's gold man that's what I do every Harvest. I've used the green cure now with 8 harvests approximately 30 lb inside and out. And it's nothing but gold man Platinum if you want to go there. Brother get it it's worth it all day I hope you can find it and in Australia. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to it should be pretty common but again I don't know? hopefully you can. Cuz it will solve all your problems with fungus bad fungus.
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Thank you for the help with the PM, yes has been slow with the H202 , and Bubba has a few little patches so i do need to nip it in the bud asap. I have kept, i found a product, when i googled the store bunnings and potasssium bicarbonate. Says it kills them in minutes the fungi, handy with bud rot also. Reminds me since i am in Toowoomba city ( Australias garden city) today, will see if i can pick up a heat, Kmart here was sold out, i am hoping might get one and Tee mentioned bunnings so will check that also, get a green light so i can get the girls to bed lol in the dark. The H202 in very small amounts would benefit the plants as a foliar.
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True they are like us , different how i see the girls also, each plant has her needs, some might be more sensitive to nutes than another, ones mor prone to PM than others lol. I can see Cherry she just wants your attention more lol over the other girls.
Really appreciate the help Big Brother on the light concern, only time i wont be there for them, haha i could never holiday again, nor would want to with all the covid plus the mountains are close, and love it up there, to take a break and smoke, will be bring some on the road today lol