Can you defoliate in flower and is it better to do it during the morning or evening?

Jan 7, 2020
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So I have a super bushy short plant. It seems impossible to leaf tuck because the fan leaves are too big. If I tuck them one way they cover up two more bud sites. The nodes are spaced so close together that trying to put some twine in between for lst is like trying to thread a needle. And if you do thread it, the slightest movement will force it either way into a node. Serious like less than half an inch between nodes. I feel like defoliating is the best way to ensure everything is getting enough light. I am pretty sure she is flowering but I’m not sure how far I to it. She started to show pistils about a week ago and the top is full of them now. Anyways, is it too late to defoliate and if not, should I do it right in the morning when the light comes or or right before the light goes out? Thanks all and if anyone has any recommendations on taming this beast I’d appreciate it.
That plant is small. Are you out of the stretching phase?

I personally wouldn't remove any leaves as that space doesn't even looked packed with vegetation. The benefits of defoliation are anecdotal at best and I'd prefer to avoid any excess stress as the plant the transitions to flowering

Others will tell you different though. I've defoliated before but aside from air flow I don't see any significant reason to do more than LST or super cropping. Everyone is so gung ho to remove leaves.

Plants use those to in connection with the roots to pull water and nutrients into the leaves. Removing leaves encourages vegetative growth when you want to encourage flowering. Too much leaf removal can impede the root system and photosynthesis. Proper nutrition, environmental control, and training will do more for quality and yield that removing leaves will but like I said many others are going to tell you differently.

If you can find a clear space you could super crop and tie down the branch to encourage more nodes but the plant, in my opinion, looks more suited to a Christmas tree shape.

Do as you please and good luck with your plant.
Well I re
That plant is small. Are you out of the stretching phase?

Proper nutrition, environmental control, and training will do more for quality and yield that removing leaves will but like I said many others are going to tell you differently.

If you can find a clear space you could super crop and tie down the branch to encourage more nodes but the plant, in my opinion, looks more suited to a Christmas tree shape.

Do as you please and good luck with your plant.

thanks so much for the info. I’ll look into super cropping. It hasn’t really stretched yet or really started to do much of anything but if I was going to do something I wanted to make sure I wasn’t to far along to do it. I’d prefer to train. That is what I am doing with the plant next to her but this girl is so bushy I can’t seem to get anything bent over without a lot of force and possible damage to the nodes. She is a beefcake. I’ll look into super cropping though. Thanks again!
I have to agree with Dame. Training and leaf tucking (and don’t be afraid to grab that bastard and tuck the big sucker under the shoot it’s blocking) is what I would recommend for that type of plant structure. I wouldn’t defoliate her at thiis point in veg, though I do find a place for strategic defol during preflower to allow each bud site top to get direct light. Good luck with the grow, brother!
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I would not take any leaves. Not yet at least. She is in full veg sprint and is using every solar panel. One trick is to work along the leaf stem and bend it. Yku can make that stem do a uturn if you want. That way it has not popped back up over what you are trying to uncover every couple of hours. Personally I'd pull that top over horizontal. carefully. Either way she is beautiful. Good job!
Yeah I wouldn't remove any leaves she looks too symetric. I would personally lst her and tie her down (main cola) for a day or two let light in... Then reposition her as the days of growth go by... Then once you happy with the new growth release her. You don't want too much stress during the transition to flowering.


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I would not take any leaves. Not yet at least. She is in full veg sprint and is using every solar panel. One trick is to work along the leaf stem and bend it. Yku can make that stem do a uturn if you want. That way it has not popped back up over what you are trying to uncover every couple of hours. Personally I'd pull that top over horizontal. carefully. Either way she is beautiful. Good job!
Yeah I wouldn't remove any leaves she looks too symetric. I would personally lst her and tie her down (main cola) for a day or two let light in... Then reposition her as the days of growth go by... Then once you happy with the new growth release her. You don't want too much stress during the transition to flowering.
How far along are these two?