New Grower 2'x4'x5' Mephisto/LED/Organic First Grow

Germination update: 23hrs in DVD case and charmin tp and 5/6 have cracked and showing small tap roots... 3/3 samsquach OG, 2/3 creme de la chem. Although I'm sure tommorrow I'll have 6/6 and be planting them into their homes till harvest. Impressed with Mephisto as far.
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so last year I grew some autos outside in ffof... I don't know about the happy frog because i've never used it but the ffof kept me good for probably the first 5-6 weeks. After that I definitely noticed plants starving for nutrients. Now it also rained a lot last year while my plants were out so this may have played a part in them running out of nutes when they did... you may want to look for some Dr. Earth at home depot or maybe the place you got your ffof and hf has the happy frog dry organic fertilizers. You might want to think about picking up a bag of the all purpose and maybe a bag of the fruit and flower and top dress with those instead of just the ffof. good luck to you. I am just starting my first indoor grow as well. I'll be watching how you do.
Well 21 days since sprout.... think I'm having issues with my wet and dry cycle... I swear I'm overwatering... last time I water the bigger 3 was thursday and then tonight being sunday I used 500ml of water then and tonight ... on the two smaller ones I watered 500ml friday and I'll water 500ml tommorrow... I've been watering with 6.5ph... lights are 32in away... no nutes just straight water... I've noticed curling of leaves after watering and slight yellowing or fading it seems... it's crazy because I'm waiting like 3 to 5 days between waterings... rough learning curve I suppose...


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Well 21 days since sprout.... think I'm having issues with my wet and dry cycle... I swear I'm overwatering... last time I water the bigger 3 was thursday and then tonight being sunday I used 500ml of water then and tonight ... on the two smaller ones I watered 500ml friday and I'll water 500ml tommorrow... I've been watering with 6.5ph... lights are 32in away... no nutes just straight water... I've noticed curling of leaves after watering and slight yellowing or fading it seems... it's crazy because I'm waiting like 3 to 5 days between waterings... rough learning curve I suppose...
Looks a bit like a Nitrogen deficiency to me......
Well 21 days since sprout.... think I'm having issues with my wet and dry cycle... I swear I'm overwatering... last time I water the bigger 3 was thursday and then tonight being sunday I used 500ml of water then and tonight ... on the two smaller ones I watered 500ml friday and I'll water 500ml tommorrow... I've been watering with 6.5ph... lights are 32in away... no nutes just straight water... I've noticed curling of leaves after watering and slight yellowing or fading it seems... it's crazy because I'm waiting like 3 to 5 days between waterings... rough learning curve I suppose...

Some thoughts:

Watering must be on demand, not X amount every X days ...... plants appear to have few issues and one could be overwatering but with all the drainage in the soil I wouldn’t place a big bet on that being issue ....

FFOF mix is suspect but I figure you are following a recipe you’ve found in a post - Recommend you look at some soil mixes from KIS and BuildaSoil ..... could be contributing factor but again no big bets on a different mix correcting .....

Lights - I suspect the amount of light they are getting is TOO much, my money is on the lighting - any idea how much light at plant level!?

so last year I grew some autos outside in ffof... I don't know about the happy frog because i've never used it but the ffof kept me good for probably the first 5-6 weeks. After that I definitely noticed plants starving for nutrients. Now it also rained a lot last year while my plants were out so this may have played a part in them running out of nutes when they did... you may want to look for some Dr. Earth at home depot or maybe the place you got your ffof and hf has the happy frog dry organic fertilizers. You might want to think about picking up a bag of the all purpose and maybe a bag of the fruit and flower and top dress with those instead of just the ffof. good luck to you. I am just starting my first indoor grow as well. I'll be watching how you do.

Growing outside in cloth pot or any pot for that matter, consider covering the soil with a mulch, like shredders leaves, and then fashion a plastic cover to go over the mulch and soil and cover pot - this way rain won’t effect unless you take cover off AND COVER HELPS conserve moisture AND STOPS gnats and other soil bugs from migrating from soil to plant ..... Use a white trash bag oR similar if growing in the south and black cover if growing in the north .... hope this tip helps!
I'm thinking it has something to do with your watering schedule, and I'd actually go the opposite, I'm thinking under-watered, so you can either increase your amount
or your frequency

When I grow in a #3 nursery pot, I water probably about 1.5L every third or fourth day when small, then every other, possibly every day, when they are drinking like crazy for that early flower period, simply determined by the lift-a-pot method and how heavy they are that morning. Of course when outdoors I'm not concerned with some extra run off, I simply care about soaking the entire soil mass

Or increase your frequency of your tiny amounts of water to daily

My current indoor grow is in little 3L pots and I'm still watering about your 500mL but every day.

Happy growing and :goodluck:
A moisture meter is essential to proper watering and will help retrain compulsiveness. We all have over watered, underwatered, over nuted etc but when we realize less is more, we find that weed doesn't need much help....
The plants look hungry. Very hungry.. It also looks like you may have a ph issue in that soil. Did you check the soil ph before or after you added lime? Was there a reason you added that lime?

The most common watering rule is the 10% rule. It says the amount of water used should equal 10% of the total gallons of soil for daily watering.. You have six 3 gal pots.. So about 18 gals of soil. It should take about 2 gallons to water all six pots.. That's daily mind you. You can tweak it as the plants respond. I personally use a 25% rule now. 10% dries out to fast for me. You should be watering/saturating the entire pot at this point. A little run off is a good thing. You also need to consider using some sort of nutrients now. Ocean Forest alone can feed for a few weeks.. But you cut that oceans forest with 25% happy frog and 25% perlite. So that ocean forest feed time framed was shortened.

But first, I would give all of those plants a good watering until the pots are to heavy to move with a light pull on them.. Then I would check the ph of that soil. You shouldn't be seeing these kinds of nitrogen deficiencies this early on, especially if you aren't using nutes yet. That leads me to believe that something is not right in that soil. Also keep in mind that as your pots dry out, the soil ph rises.. That's why it's recommended to keep the soil moist. The top soil in some of those pics looks dry as a done.
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The plants look hungry. Very hungry.. It also looks like you may have a ph issue in that soil. Did you check the soil ph before or after you added lime? Was there a reason you added that lime?

The most common watering rule is the 10% rule. It says the amount of water used should equal 10% of the total gallons of soil for daily watering.. You have six 3 gal pots.. So about 18 gals of soil. It should take about 2 gallons to water all six pots.. That's daily mind you. You can tweak it as the plants respond. I personally use a 25% rule now. 10% dries out to fast for me. You should be watering/saturating the entire pot at this point. A little run off is a good thing. You also need to consider using some sort of nutrients now. Ocean Forest alone can feed for a few weeks.. But you cut that oceans forest with 25% happy frog and 25% perlite. So that ocean forest feed time framed was shortened.

But first, I would give all of those plants a good watering until the pots are to heavy to move with a light pull on them.. Then I would check the ph of that soil. You shouldn't be seeing these kinds of nitrogen deficiencies this early on, especially if you aren't using nutes yet. That leads me to believe that something is not right in that soil. Also keep in mind that as your pots dry out, the soil ph rises.. That's why it's recommended to keep the soil moist. The top soil in some of those pics looks dry as a done.
Great advice I actually want watering slow enough ( watering too much too fast and water was running out of the sides halfway down and I didn't have them in saucers but your advice was correct, I figured out with help from another friend and he had given the same advice