New Grower Hugo's Backyard!

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First of all, thank you Hugo, Noods, gauto, and incipit for you kind words and your valued encouragement. Sharing the experience with you all is almost as enjoyable as the experience itself.. :smokebuds:

Hugo, hope you're having a levely weekend. Can't wait for your safe return and update.

Incipit, thank you. I would second that thought. As you will see (from my experience), these plants tend to enjoy God's way more than my humble love. Looking at them as compared to the potted, daily loved sibblings, the ones in the "wild" seem to just go all out on their own.

As promised, here are the patio sibblings to contrast. I have noticed they are slower at flowering, possibly due to light contamination, the extra fert..!? keep in mind also the low (acidic) PH issues I've had to deal with in pots, which is not an issue with the semi-guerilla ones in pure dirt. And I mean that (pure dirt), as I've done very minimal prep work before transplating. Did not ammend, compost, or even dig "big holes". I simply dug a hole twice the size of the pot, mixed in some of the soilless media they were growing in the first few weeks in with the dirt, mixed it up half assedly, and transplated. Gave them a shot of Rootplex and Bio-Cozyme, and bid them farewell after a short prayer for their wellbeing and good health.. ;)

Anyhow, here we go. These are the potted plants on the patio. The NLH_2 is the younger of the two, but don't forget the NLH_1 is a recovered bush from a major over-fert incident. We start with it, the NL5xHaze that's the twin sister of the NLH semi-guerilla bush (into full flower already, see previous post).

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Here is the second patio NLH, the younger of the two (about 6 weeks younger). It is the first to flower on the patio..

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Here is the Jack Flash 5, also behind the guerilla one on flowering, but looking majestic Hugo..

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Then, we have the Big Bud. This one shows the most contrast to its beast sibbling. Doing good, just not as well as the guerlla one..

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Would love to hear what ya'll think. I guess the ultimate test is harvest (yield and quality).. :buds:

All of your plants are just fantastic Ghabi!

Ghabi said... ... I've done very minimal prep work before transplating. Did not ammend, compost, or even dig "big holes". I simply dug a hole twice the size of the pot, mixed in some of the soilless media they were growing in the first few weeks in with the dirt, mixed it up half assedly, and transplated. Gave them a shot of Rootplex and Bio-Cozyme, and bid them farewell after a short prayer for their wellbeing and good health ...

Supreme example of the KISS method at work and doing it's thing!
So, so sorry to hear about the NLH, Hugo. Everyone else beat me to it, but I have no doubt it will recover. I am a big believer in the resiliency of this plant, and it always finds a way to survive whatever adversity comes its way (minus a tractor wheel leveling it ;) ).

Great medic work, welcome back. Hope you're not too sun burnt after the weekend, I am.. :hot:

You're right about the MR, she's a beauty..
All of your plants are just fantastic Ghabi!

Supreme example of the KISS method at work and doing it's thing!

Thank you, Noods. It means a lot coming from you, really does..


Cheers for the +Rep, bro. Hope to be able to reciprocate (once I grow up a bit here, I guess)..
Early harvest

Hey all!

She might take another week or I might just cut her out tomorrow.

So Hugo, is she down..?

I just took this little runt down last night..

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This is the domestic (bag seed) skunk variety that went into a balcony pot back in Nov or Dec and forgotten. I came close to yanking it out several times, as it was a tiny seedling for months with (seemingly) no future. Decided to just let it go as part of the learning season just to see. What do you know, early harvest of close to 24 grams or so, will see.

Look forward to hearing about your early chop. Cheers.

hello hugo! just caught up, plants are looking great:booya:your medical degree is in the mail!:dance:this is the perfect chance to start up a cannabis rescue service in can be on call, to rush out and save people's plants, for a bud fee!:D so we are going to see some harvest bud porn soon? looking forward to that!!:dance2: surfs up!!:help:[video=youtube;oJOEwAVprn0][/video]
Hey guys! :)

I've got a few minutes for chatting, it's been a roller coast ride with work and travel these days :)

Great updates Ghabi! Glad to have you around bringing up the porn to match up! Those are big beautiful plants! The guerrilla, the potted girls and the window still chopped! :thumbs: You did a great selection with Sensi Seeds. Those guys are the top of the industry setting the standards, as far as photoperiods go.

I haven't chopped the aBB #1 yet, just a popcorn to do a quick dry and taste. The smell is lemony scented, very fresh and somewhat diesel. I just haven't stopped for a moment to do a proper trimming and some pics updates. I'm anxious to chop her down and plant some new stuff in that pot. It will either be Think Different, or some super autos I'm supposed to receive from Stitch. Will see :)

All of those counting on my medical skills please keep safe and don't brake any bones ahaha!

Surf's up tomorrow morning finally! :))
I'm anxious to chop her down and plant some new stuff in that pot. It will either be Think Different, or some super autos I'm supposed to receive from Stitch. Will see :)

Heheheheeeeeeee, I know the feeling my friend. I'll drop a TD along with you and will do a side-by-side, what do you think? will give me a chance to learn from an expert rather than go at it on my lonesome.. :help:

Surf's up tomorrow morning finally! :))

Enjoy, and be safe.. :smoke: