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i would do mate....they MUST have been mad busy!:bow:
Just to play it safe, had a look at my spam folder. Nothing from Mephisto, but apparently Yahoo wants to give me 5,000,000 dollars (I won their email lottery. Which is impressive given that I don't have a yahoo email.) AND there are at least 10 women that are curious if I want them to send me pictures via email or phone.. I was a bit intimidated at first, then I saw the offer for discount Viagra. It's like Christmas in April!
.... I have been here less than a month, and these are just a some of the people that I have interacted with in some form. It has been a very wonderful experience for me. It's so nice to have a consistant place like this to come to, and learn something, listen to the music that carries my brothers and sisters through their day, or just bs a little, like we are doing right now. I wish we could all get together and put one in the clouds to the green gods, but for now, please accept my symbolic offering of my "Brunch Of Champions" to all my afn family.

HAPPY 420!!!!!!!!
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@mephisto Beary White
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DUDE!!! You're my newest favorite hero. I've been looking for Beary White all over hell's half-acre and struck out so many times I quit looking. If you can post up or PM me where you got the beans I'll owe you.
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