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What breed of dog is that? Looks like a bull terrier crossed with a greyhound.

I've been doing research for a group interested in making a film about the most feared conquistador to invade Florida. I can't give it all up yet but if the film hits the screen you will never look at Greyhounds the same again.

Not sure if this is the way to do it? This is what I played on my 10 min drive 10 years ago to the gym. Its an MMA gym and way back early in the day where its really hardcore. No belts, no ranking, no nothing. Just real training and real sparring. This song always gets me in the mood for some ass whooping or getting my ass whooped! I always imagined myself walking into a fight with this song playing.

I understand its difficult to like something you don't understand and its like 10yrs ago too. But its a part of my history and would like to share with with all my bro and sis on AFN!

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If it is Important to you....@equatorial Share it....:d5:

Searched for 'original' thought it was Peter, Paul, and Mary?


Since there's a time gap between Spain and Canada I will have to be on my toes for seed deals . I tried kissing up to @mephisto to no avail and have been told to stay in line even if I am an elder statesman . No Respect . :nono:

:crying: Say No to Favouritism......even for [HASHTAG]#raregingerbear[/HASHTAG] s .......:d5:

I was hoping my new vape would arrive today but I don't think so and looks like I had better have a few batteries charged up for the marathon . @912GreenSkell and @ Rev. Green Genes may be engaging in a Whitey Contest and I'm sure that anybody that has the balls or without balls would be cordially invited to attend :nono: a scary proposition at the best of times . :thumbsup:

For 4.20 @9bear ..........?................I've been trying to get a spot set aside for a Live Vape out but no-one is biting....

[HASHTAG]#bongathon[/HASHTAG] to the death...:hookah:

Good morning Mossy, Stoners, As Fettled6 suggests, if everything is posted Greenwich mean time, everyone can figure their time from there. The world has run on GMT from long before UTC.

You Volunteering to do the conversions @Feenix .......?..........:eyebrows:

View attachment 894395
Omg Mrs f6! Thanking you!



:biggrin: [HASHTAG]#smallmercies[/HASHTAG]

Two mo row variety hour.... live in LS
Coming soon... coming tomorrow...
Clean the ashtrays, change the bong water and get some munchies...

You got a time for me @mohawk warrior ....or are you floating...?


how many people actually work for the big seeds breeders...e.g. Dutch Passion

i mean are they big companies or just big websites?

You'd have to ask them @Savage Garden not something they usually make public I would Think..:headbang:
Mine was Deicide's "Homage for Satan".
The opening guitar riff would just get me in the mood to beat someone to a bloody mess.
The "gym" here, back then, was nothing more than a bunch of brawlers and jocks that didn't do much of the "mixed" or the "martial arts", asides from a few judo throws and the basic bjj holds.
The most common discipline in that gym was the "break your opponent's hand with your face".

Ours was different. We really did train MMA all the way. Although the trainer leaned more towards Muay Thai due to early influence. We were like AFN in a way. No BS. Just humble enough to learn what works and what doesn't.

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Good afternoon Mossy, what up tomorrow?

It is 4.20 @Taipan ..we all take the day off and get Stoned as monkeys in [HASHTAG]#LS[/HASHTAG] music...Gossip....browse the 4.20 Sales....:biggrin:..much the same as normal.......:pass:

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