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How and when can I watch the Q&A by Bigsm0? Love that dude!

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He's just let me know he is available..I'll get a time spot off him for you...:headbang:...
Do we have a good Asian representation here? I doubt it so no chance for me to DJ some Asian pop here....LOL

Strictly kidding though.. Lol

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[HASHTAG]#afnproudtobedifferent[/HASHTAG] :d5: Play some...if members like it you make your own Spot ....:headbang:
Lol, this has been a problem since forever.. we should all just reference off GMT... Greenwich Mean Time.

It's pretty easy.. GMT is 00:00 for the given date.. mine is +10

Omg, I'm so shit at articulating things! @912GreenSkell another tutorial :crying:

AfN keeping you in work bro! :thumbsup: drives me Nuts too... @arty zan used to work all the time zones out for us...:headbang:
IMG_4099 (2).JPG

The dog with a flower head dress....:biggrin:

Not sure if this is the way to do it? This is what I played on my 10 min drive 10 years ago to the gym. Its an MMA gym and way back early in the day where its really hardcore. No belts, no ranking, no nothing. Just real training and real sparring. This song always gets me in the mood for some ass whooping or getting my ass whooped! I always imagined myself walking into a fight with this song playing.

I understand its difficult to like something you don't understand and its like 10yrs ago too. But its a part of my history and would like to share with with all my bro and sis on AFN!

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