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Good morning stoners. It's been a pleasure to see Mossy at LS the last few mornings!

I got my cabinets and sink put in yesterday, and got part way through the counter. Today I should be able to get plumbing and main counter finished. Which means by the end of the weekend I might be able make a cuppa in a proper sink. I got a huge basin sink so I could fill up me 5 gallon buckets for the grow easier :) and plenty of room for a RO filter under there!

Here's today's update on the ALF girls. Big, DAMN big! Run over to FullDuplex's guess the weight comp, and let me know what you think she weighs.
How about some pictures of this construction your under going like to check out your skill level in case I need an contractor ?? :biggrin:
How about some pictures of this construction your under going like to check out your skill level in case I need an contractor ?? :biggrin:

I will, I will. It's too dam messy down there right now. If my Mom saw the pics I'd get a whoopin.
You know how sometimes you make a pot of coffee that is just right? You know the one you try to replicate but it does not get there often? Anybody know what I mean? Well anyway I made that pot of coffee this morning!:biggrin::coffee:
Heck yeah. Wife's letting me order a new acoustic/electric guitar.
That made my day, because now that my old singer is clean ((took my advice, and an ounce of kine bud to get him off heroin and through withdrawals)) I can get out and play my hillbilly sh*t again, AND GET PAID FOR IT.
Great start to the day.

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